
  • Self harming is apparently rampant in schools. its worrying that so many girls do this and it seems to normalise it somewhat. Our girls play sports and it definitely helps get their angst out. So often they say they want to quit but we don’t let them. Yeah, it may seem mean but exercise really really helps their moods and overall health, so I am…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 3 years, 6 months ago

    Oh janey…..I think I may be losing my marbles! My periods are all over the place….sometimes its 5 weeks apart but the last few times, only 3 weeks apart. Have had a couple of nights where I was roasting and I wondered, if it was a kind of a hot flush!

    anyone else having peri-menopausal symptoms???

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 3 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Efioa – I am a Mammy of 4 in Meath. 3 teenagers and my gorgeous little daughter, who still hugs me as the teens definitely don’t!! Where are you? how many little ones have you got?

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 3 years, 6 months ago

    I could buy SO much with €200 in Penneys!!!

  • Sabbi started the topic in the forum National Chat 3 years, 10 months ago

    So, my doctor has told me I am peri-menopausal and I feel really weirdly ashamed about it. I am only 45, so I guess I thought menopause was still a long way off and its thrown me off kilter.

    In Feb I had 2 periods, March had none and not sure if I’ll get one in April. Its funny because as much as periods are a pain, literally at times, its kind…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 3 years, 10 months ago

    I am so sorry girls for both of you and your families too. Its really upsetting to lose a baby. I am not sure if this will help but when I had a miscarriage, I wrote a diary for a few months afterwards, I wrote about how I felt every day and because it was just for me, I was totally honest about the despair I felt. I was a good outlet for my anger…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years ago

    Still going through this bloody nightmare situation, there seems to be no end in sight!!!

    I was asked to go see the other sides doctor – in the same suite as the last doctor, at Blackrock Clinic. I initially said no, I did not want to go anywhere near a hospital during Covid and also, why did I have to go see another one of their doctors. I…[Read more]

  • Sabbi started the topic in the forum National Chat 4 years, 4 months ago

    So, here we are back at high levels of restrictions again and I am trying not to worry, but some days I manage that better than others. Today I just felt like crying about it all. My children had been in close contact with a positive case 2 weeks ago and have all been kept home from school since to make sure they didn’t get it. They were all…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years, 5 months ago

    Our daughters have cabin beds that we got from Love Furniture years ago and they are still in tip top shape! They can do homework on them. they have play area underneath to put their toys, they have a bookcase and a chest of drawers, all within the bed. Definitely recommend these, they are such good space savers!

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years, 5 months ago

    My periods have been a bit erratic lately – I’ve had heavy ones, light ones some shorter gaps in between and some longer gaps in between! all over the place lately and I reckon it could be because I am in my 40’s now and maybe peri-menopausal! Yikes, hate to think of being anything to do with menopause but I suppose, it gets to us all at some stage….

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years, 6 months ago

    I had Dr Rabee when I went private in OLOL. She was lovely and her clinics were nice, never had to wait long and she was very nice and explained everything so well all the way though.

    My daughters birth went great and she was out in super quick time with only 3 big pushes at the end. She came on a bank holiday Saturday and the hospital was quite…[Read more]

  • Sabbi started the topic in the forum National Chat 4 years, 8 months ago

    hey gals,

    my menstrual cycle has been all over the place in the past few months. I have been stressed (havent we all) with the pandemic but I was wondering if that would be enough to cause my period to stop for a while?

    I had a period at the end of March, same as usual, around 5 days long with some cramps etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. But I…[Read more]

  • Sabbi started the topic in the forum National Chat 4 years, 10 months ago

    How are you all coping being stuck at home over the past few and next few weeks? do you think people in your area are abiding by the guidelines and rules for keeping safe and trying to stop the spread of Covid-19?

    I took my girls out on their skates yesterday and I have to say, dog walkers were very rude. I had my 12 & 8 year old girls on their…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years, 10 months ago

    OMG this is still going on and is getting worse and worse and is stressing me out so much. I know, in light of everything that’s going on right now in the world it should not be worrying me but its gotten so insane now that I am really upset

    The insurance company for the other driver admitted the accident was her fault and they wrote in an email…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 4 years, 11 months ago

    This horrible, stressful situation is still not resolved. It has upset me so so much. Its hard to believe insurance companies can stoop so low….though, I probably shouldn’t be surprised, since this happened to me I have heard so many stories about how awful it is to go through a car accident claim.

    I just don’t understand why it has to be so…[Read more]

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 5 years ago

    what age are the children? do you use water wipes, they are very good for cleaning. and how about hand sanitising gel? that’s a good thing to use too to make sure hands are extra clean

  • Sabbi replied to the topic in the forum Sabbi 5 years ago

    I’m a little confused – what ages are the children? are they wearing nappies? if they go to the bathroom, are you helping them get cleaned up? are their pajamas getting soiled?

  • Anyone seen it? Was thinking of going this week. Is it good?

  • I wasn’t mad about it, thought it was ok but nowhere nearly as good as the first one. The songs weren’t catchy, nothing like the previous film where the songs were instantly catchy.

    Kids enjoyed it though and that’s the main thing really

  • Sabbi started the topic in the forum National Chat 5 years, 1 month ago

    Oh, I am feeling so unfit at the moment. I’ve really enjoyed Christmas and it’s been lovely relaxing and eating and drinking and watching movies etc but I feel like I could be rolled out the door at this stage.

    I really want to get back running next week, once kids back to school.

    Now all I need is someone to come and make me get out for a…[Read more]

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