newly pregnant mammies??

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    Hey all,

    I am also newly pregnant. I am eight weeks gone on first baby. In Spain now for the last few weeks of my summers travelling so have my first doctors app here on the 26th. I am pretty nervous and really hoping he speaks English!

    When I go home I will either attend Waterford or Wexford hospital. Anybody any recommendations?

    Congrats to original poster, hope everything continues well!


    Oh my god how did i miss this thread!!!!!!!!! Huge congrats Trixi. Taylor are you expecting aswell!!!!!!Congrats to all of you on your pregnancy

    Duckiedoo I too had an ectopic pregnancy my tube ruptured so only have the one left, I went on to have a healthy baby boy who will be a year old next month, I had my first scan at 7 weeks in the epu and i was told not to expect to see a heart beat until 8 weeks. Hope all is well for you xxx


    No Rossy not pregnant… We have been talking about it over the past few months and will see what mother nature has planned for us… I was about to get the coil fitted but cant do it 😯 Im 37 next month and Im starting to panic that im Running out of time and I want to think more about what we want, dont want mother nature making my choice for me iykwim…
    Mam and sister went through the change very early so i might be the same!


    Thanks every1 am more and more convinced everything is fine as i seem to be very preggers at the min, and all the positive posts are very reassuring…..scan 2moro so hopefully i be posting that there is definite baby in the sac and heartbeat!!! Ah dont get the coil Taylor…..i was supposed to do it after eptopic and never did…so glad now


    Yay!!! There is a baby there and my dates are spot on…….first doc said there was nothing, not even a sac, it had disappeared into thin air apparently, i went ape and said i was not going home til my consultant scanned me and he did and found the lot in 2 seconds flat!!!!! SOOOOOOO HAPPPPY!!!



    Thats BRILLIANT!!! So excited for you and now you can relax a bit and start to really enjoy your pregnancy.

    Great news….thrilled for you!!! 😀 😀


    Thanks Sabbi am thrilled, canlet myself believe it now!! Held my belly all night in bed!!! Didn’t want to become ‘attached’ before.

    Am waiting on immunity results now as my kids have the chicken pox and i have never had them!!! May need to go in to get infusion to put immunity up for the baby!!! But may be that i am immune as i have never got them and have been exposed lots of times, but my gp just wants to be double sure.

    I have given all my baby equipment away to charity about 3 years ago, so will need to start gathering up again 🙄 Hubbie told me i was being rash, but did i listen!!! NO 😈 😈


    YIPPPEEEEEE….. BRILLIANT NEWS 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    Oh im delighted for you! 😀 😀 😀

    I know your still happy about your news, but what if you went home after your first scan 😯 Did you question how the consultant could find the baby in seconds and the person who did the first scan couldnt….. is there another scandel in the making in the Lourdes?


    Congratulations Duckiedoo…am really delighted for you xxx Think she’s in Donegal Taylor….OLOL off the hook 🙂


    oh thats right… remember reading that in a earlier post!!


    Thanks ladies OLOL off the hook, they are worse up here, my poor friend was told there was no baby and came in for dnc, came in got scanned, then there was a baby, two days later told her there was no baby- chat about a rollercoaster.

    I knew when i was up what they were doing to her so thats why i didnt take his word for it…..i mean at least the sac should have been there…he was telling me there was nothing at all!!!! So my little mohammad done it for me (he was more excited than i was!!!) and it was there in an instant!!


    Wonderful news duckiedoo…. 😉 Congratulations!

    I had both of mine in Letterkenny… under Dr King… and I’ve never been treated as well. If I can recall….. (somewhere in the dark fuzzy recesses of my mind) Dr Mohammed delivered my first… 😀

    Look after yourself hun…x


    This will be my fourth in Letterkenny…..and i do like Mohommad very much, never had Mr King… know his knickname is ‘hands’ so that may be a blessing in disguise…have not been assigned to any1 yet had Mr Aboud, a lovely mannered Dublin man for first three and had Mr Syeed for eptopic who is also very nice…..but am hoping as Mohommad has now been made consultant instead of registrar that i might get him…..he is lovely, and so kind. Hope you are all well ladies….am at the extreme fatigue stage at the moment and killing me, but three are back at school tomorrow and once i get over the shock of my baby girl leaving me i will get thechance to get a bit more rest…..amazingly NO SICKNESS!!!!


    Oooh boy, I remember that tiredness…
    I also spent time with Dr Aboud…. shheesh… I remember that flippin’ ante-natal clinic, never felt like I’d get out of there! lol
    Incidentally, if you do get King…. he was absolutely brilliant with me, and I had complications in my pregnancies… and he kept a very close watch on me and babe… so much so that I requested to have him second time around. Also, his wife was my GP whilst living in Donegal. Can’t fault them at all….
    Hope you start to feel better soon…x


    Hey Duckiedoo and Trixie, how are you feeling? How are your bumps coming along??

    There were a few newbabies at the Dundalk event yesterday and a few mums to be too….seems to be quite a baby boom at the moment.

    I’d love to join ye, feeling so broody now the kids are all gone to school and playschool (better not let hubby read this, he’ll throttle me!!)

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