chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 7 years, 3 months ago
Such a lovely lovely lady, always had a kind word for everyone. RIP Mummy5, you’ll be missed xx
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 7 years, 7 months ago
Thanks so much for the opportunity! It truly was a memory made with family…. 🙂
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 7 years, 8 months ago
Awesome….. Thanks so much guys…. Great fun with the kids!
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 7 years, 11 months ago
I’m just thankful both of mine have had it…… Its a swear word in our house….. 🙁
Daughter flew through it….. Son was desperately ill as he landed up in hospital with very bad reaction…. wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy….
Joys of childhood illness….
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years ago
I’m officially "popping my name on here"…. 😉 Did the facebook thing x
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 1 month ago
You go girl!
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 1 month ago
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 2 months ago
I can’t speak for the tablets, but I found the D & C no bother at all. I was haemorraging when I miscarried, and was rushed in for an emergency D & C to stop the bleeding. I woke up afterwards with very little discomfort.
In saying that, I’m probably not the best person to ask, being that I have had a great deal of surgery, so the actual D &…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic Hayfever – worse than ever, need advice in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 8 years, 8 months ago
Have you tried Phenergan / Piriton? I’d have a chat with Conor down the pharmacy….. just to be sure…. but I’d def bring the Phenergan out… 😉
chewieodie replied to the topic Sunburn!!! Ouch!!!! in the forum Skincare Expert 8 years, 8 months ago
I haven’t tried this particular version as yet…. but I can only imagine that it would do the business. Coming from a very hot climate, I can say that sunburn was more common than not… and anything with aloe vera was the way to go. It helps to soothe and heal, and I wouldn’t get anything sun related without it, to be honest. So, I reckon…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic Joico Blue Colour Balance shampoo in the forum Beauty & Fashion for Hot Mamas & Cute Kids! 8 years, 8 months ago
My hair is in dire need of a colour….. so I’ve bought one….. which I’ll use within the next few days. I’ve got some outdoors painting to do first! And then I’ll be able to give the shampoo a real run for it’s money. My first gut reaction would be a def yes….. my hair is def in better shape…. so I can only imagine that its going to do…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 8 months ago
Welcome Kismet!
SAfrican here too….. been here now in Ireland for the past 10 years…. ex PE and ex Jhb…..
The folk here have no clue about dangerous….. (as someone who has been held up at gunpoint,I feel that I’m pretty justified in saying this). But the problem is, once you are here, you actually realise how much stress you’ve been…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 9 months ago
Oh boy….I could so do with this!
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 10 months ago
Welcome lilgingernut! xx
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 10 months ago
We do fish on Good Friday… And we try to only eat at meal times and go without the treats.
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 8 years, 12 months ago
I would have a chat with her teacher…. or she could just be asserting her little self and testing boundaries… 😉
When my son didn’t want to go to school…. (a normally very friendly, happy little chap)…. I investigated with the school (montessori at the time) and it turned out that he was being bullied… hit etc…shoved around by a…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 9 years, 1 month ago
Perhaps if you "stop trying"…. That will be when it happens…;) As someone who struggled for over 10 years to become pregnant, I do know how you are feeling… And 7 months, although it may feel like a lot, isn’t really a long time. Other than a cyber hug….there is one thing I would suggest that you do….. Get a hold of a copy of Taking…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 9 years, 3 months ago
I have to say, these dolls are just precious….. 😉
My daughter has the Pirate one, and she loves it, and more than that, I personally like the fact that the doll is well made, and is isn’t "made up" like so many others out there.
The fact that they are based on strong female characters too, is great. Its nice to see a doll that is actually…[Read more]
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 9 years, 6 months ago
Edit your title…. I had a moment of "oohhh… thats strange… I wonder why its changed to a Thursday!"… 😉 xxx
chewieodie replied to the topic in the forum chewieodie 9 years, 6 months ago
Tx very much x
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