Denise91 started the topic in the forum Parenting Advice & Support 4 years, 5 months ago
what ages are the positive parenting courses recommended for? would it be good for parents of toddlers and small children?
Denise91 started the topic in the forum Home Decor – Indoors & Outdoors! 4 years, 5 months ago
After seeing the advert and discount code for 42% off an Emma Cot Mattress on here, we got one for our sons new cot bed. it is so soft and I love the way it came in a box, vac packed and rolled up. It was easy to take it in and carry it upstairs and then, we sliced open the packaging and it expanded onto his bed.
its so soft, I would have slept…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 4 years, 5 months ago
Not too mad on the cows but I got a Tipperary Crystal set of 6 mugs recently with pink & grey spots and they are really lovely
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 4 years, 5 months ago
We painted our kitchen cabinets with paint we got in Murtaghs too. we had old wooden presses and we went with a chalky white colour paint instead. it gave the whole room a new look. much brighter and far less expensive than getting a new kitchen!!
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 5 years, 2 months ago
We are doing secret santa in our family, it cuts down on the amount of gifts we need to buy and lessens the financial strain. its such a mental time of year and i think we all need to spend a little less and calm down a bit more
Denise91 started the topic in the forum Movies, TV, Books & Entertainment 5 years, 2 months ago
Has anyone seen it yet? is it appropriate for a 12 yr old?
thinking of going this weekend with my niece
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 6 months ago
I am still waiting on tv3 to reply. They probably won’t. Bad advice broadcast all over Ireland. How many pregnant women are following that regime at home without any guidance. Tricep dips are one of the worst exercises you can do in general. Never mind being pregnant. They put unnecessary strain on the wrists and create a bad posture while…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 7 months ago
I have a baby box. I was reading about them a while ago after my mother mentioned that 2 hospitals in Ireland have started giving them out as an initiative for mothers to use for their newborns. Finland has the lowest rate of cot death in the world so they must be doing something right. Even years ago in Ireland back in the 50s babies slept in…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 7 months ago
I’m nearly 6 months pregnant. I was looking for a new pair of maternity jeans that were trendy. I got a pair of Freddy jeans and they’re very comfortable and tuck you in in all the right places. Only for a baby bump you wouldn’t even know they were maternity jeans. The material is very stretchy and breathable. I’ll be recommending them to all my…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 7 months ago
I would really like to win this with my bump. i could do with a good massage
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 7 months ago
I’m going to Kildare! I know, its not very far but being pregnant in this weather its as far as I want to go right now. I was in Spain earlier this year and it was too hot for me. Kildare sounds ideal at the moment.
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 8 months ago
We ordered some of those mattresses for our new bedroom, they are really comfortable and very good value for money as well
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 12 months ago
Cut down bread. Increase water. Substitute sweet potatoes for chips/potatoes. It all adds up!!
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 7 years, 12 months ago
Well done, good topic. Scary but good.
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
I eat the porridge, oat pancakes and french toast quite a lot, especially before training. They give me loads of energy.
Make sure to drink loads of water too. And instead of buying low fat products, go for full fat Yoghurt etc because its actually better for you and has less sugar.
Natural Yoghurt is better than creme fraiche, so opt for that…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
Good luck everyone. I cut down the amount of chocolate and sweetsI used to eat and I can manage my weight quite well now. I eat alot of eggs and I use a George Foreman grill for cooking meats, its great at taking all the fat out. I eat alot of chicken and put spicy seasoning on it to make it tasty. When cooking chicken and pasta I use loads of veg…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
Entered, really good comp.
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
This is the best vacuum cleaner I have ever had. We have a dog and a cat (and a turtle!) and this vacuum removes all pet hairs so easily.
Its easy to use, easy to store and the little hand held bit is brilliant for quick cleaning the sofa etc
I would 100% recommend this for anyone with pets. Or even without if you want a clean house.
so…[Read more]
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
im gonna get a pair of these for my birthday. my sister has them and they’re lovley
Denise91 replied to the topic in the forum Denise91 8 years ago
such nonsense. who ever wrote that must not have kids.
and parents watch films and programmes at home that are over 18 but it doesnt affect babies. even soaps would not be fit for children i think but a baby doesnt know what going on
so silly
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