My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat!

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    Measurements done, I did not even see what Laura wrote down so nothing to fear there! Ignorance is bliss at times!

    Did a class this evening and must admit, the tummy exercises were not as challenging to me as they usually are. I usually find it difficult to get my legs up to my chest for the ab section of the class and that was a little easier today. I feel less bloated so thats probably why.

    So this is good progress I think…and is giving me a boost to keep going. 🙂


    Good on you sabbi–
    Need to be in a better place to be more focused

    Love reading inspirational stories


    sabbi is it possible to post pics in this forum? got some amazing before and after snaps after the 28 day fat loss challenge and would love for people to see them.


    Just curious – what is involved in the Metabolic Diet? Do you do most of it on your own time? How much time do you have to commit to going in and doing stuff?


    Mammycool its on your own time, its just simple diet changes…. it would take a while to get used to any change in routine. Worth giving it a try, i know 1 of the mums doing the Diet, she is having her 30th birthday soon and im reading her facebook comments on how she is dropping in size due to the Metabolic food plan.
    I got my Atkins bars in holland and barrett today and i have to say i like them. I had about a cm off each to taste them, i had a cuppa this evening and a 1/4 of a bar, it really hit the spot


    hi mammycool, the programme is not a diet…so it is not something you do for a few weeks and then you leave it and go back to your old habits…its all about educating those involved on how the human body reacts (and in particular hormones) to food choices, so everyone that has taken part in the pilot programme has a very good understanding of chemically what happens to the brain and muscles when you put a pastry in your mouth or a chicken breast… there is so much miss in formation out there on food and nutrition, mainly because the dieting industry wants you to NOT succeed and keeping weight off… in all fairness, if people were successful, they would not need to go back over and over again to do the diet (hence why i refuse to call it a diet!).
    The programme roughly works as follows:
    before the 28 day start I run several tests on you to try to determine how your body burns fat (there are many types) so that gives me a start point regarding how much of what items you should eat… all food groups are covered (so we eat carbs, protein, fats etc) but the portions of each very much depend on how unbalanced your hormonal levels are.
    You keep a food diary which you give me on a weekly basis for me to start making changes and tweak it to ensure you get the results you want.
    As well you have access to 3 30 min workouts on line whihc you must do 3 times a week to maximise fat burn (for those people who do not attend our metabolic classes at Labfitness)
    YOu are added to secret facebook group for 24 support, recipes, tips etc.

    that’s more or less in essence what we do in it. Places are limited to 15 people per month as it is very time consuming on my side. the first programme will launch on 1st april and we will start to take names as from next week


    Hooray – I’ve done the first week!! And in all honesty, its not so bad. The changes make sense when you think about it. For me, I used to avoid carbs at times, like if I was having an omelette for lunch, I would not have bread with it but with this plan, I eat a small amount of carbs with my meals and it gives me a fuller feeling so there’s less chance of me being hungry and wanting rubbish soon after a meal.

    There is one day a week when you get to cheat so I’ll do that on Sunday and have a few glasses of wine for St Patrick’s Day.

    I will be really keen to see thedifference after the 28 days – I am determined to stick with it and I can see how learning what I am learning, will stay with me after the 28 days is up. Its about learning how to eat properly but still have some treats too.

    I have been working so hard exercising since last June when I started bootcamp and while I have lost some weight and do feel fitter, I just had not been able to shift my belly fat so I am really hoping this will do it for me. I really hope!!!


    How much is it for the 28 days? And will you post here when registration open with starting dates.
    It would be june for me or over the summer depending you the dates you can propose.



    hi Fabienne,

    all details, including pricing, will be finalised by wednesday so i will post it as soon as it is ready 🙂

    the programme is 28 days however i will encourage everyone to keep it up for life (not just 1 month) so the earlier you get started, the better results you will have by summer as the28 days is just a jump start to get your body working properly


    Thanks Laura,
    I do understand it’s for life. It’s just that at the moment I don’t have much spare time to go to meetings / classes.
    And our plans for the summer school holidays for the kids are not set so don’t know when I’ll be free.



    Have to say Fabienne, its something you can incorporate into your life and it does not take much time. You would be eating breakfast, lunch, dinner anyway so this just means understanding what to eat at those times. Its about changing portions sizes and understanding how much carbs you should eat with meals and making sure you eat carbs with each meal. I was not doing that – I was cutting out carbs at meals thinking this would help me lose weight but it was not helping me.

    I think cutting down on tea, coffee, chocolate and biscuits is really making a difference for me. That was hard for the first few days but its grand now – we were out yesterday and I was not bothered about having coffee (which I usually would have when I am driving). Its about changing your mindset so you do not have to go to loads of meetings & classes, you can do alot of it at home.

    If I cannot get to a class l do a Davina DVD or go for a walk/run. that’s easy to do and l do it when it suits me.

    I feel great at the moment, l have a weekend away coming up in few weeks and l was dreading wearing a swimsuit but now l am not so daunted.


    we just filmed 3 metabolic effect classes last friday so anyone looking to do the 28 day fat loss programme will be able to exercise from home…all you will need is access to a laptop and a set of dumbbells.

    sabbi i can already see the difference in you…especially in your face and your waist…well done!


    Thanks Laura – I am so motivated. I keep thinking – swimsuit!!! 😆 😆

    But really, I feel so good and that is keeping me motivated!


    ok about Operation fat destruction (that’s the name of the programme :))..
    OFD is not a DIET club! we dont diet, we actually eat lots. We teach you about nutrition, how your body works and how it reacts to different foods.
    Diets work in the short term, Lifestyle changes work long term.

    If you are tired of dieting and piling on the pounds, then OFD is what you need. This way of eating focuses on clean food which in turn will help you show any muscle you may have (but is hidden due to fat) and it will help you shed unwanted fat from the tummy and bum are.

    this is a home nutrition and exercise programme. You also have access to online workouts that you must do 3 time per week.

    Starts Monday 1st april
    Registration opens Monday 25th March
    only 15 places
    introductory reduced price €99

    to book or for more info please email me at



    I have been doing this for 2 weeks now and can feel a difference in my belly area. I am looking forward to being measured at the end of it (first time in my left I won’t be sweating when someone comes near me with a measuring tape!!)

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