libby1 started the topic First Aid in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 5 years, 1 month ago
Just wondering would people be interested in a Paediatric first Aid Course? It’s a free course, would appreciate a donation though. It would take 1.5 hours..
libby1 replied to the topic Toddler no more?! in the forum Newborns, Babies, Toddlers, Kids, Teens! 10 years, 2 months ago
Happy Birthday
They grow up so fast
libby1 replied to the topic Trying not to panic….. in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 10 years, 3 months ago
Delighted for you both…. 😀 😀
libby1 replied to the topic Trying not to panic….. in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 10 years, 3 months ago
Fingers crossed x
libby1 replied to the topic What's your favourite book?? in the forum Movies, TV, Books & Entertainment 10 years, 3 months ago
There are so many, i just love reading. esp Irish Authors, i love a good story. Cathy Kelly is one of my favorite Authors.
I just read Sarah Morgan – Suddenly last summer was good and The Vintage Summer Wedding – Jenny Oliver.
My dd was reading Fault in your stars – so i read it and really enjoyed the movie.
I also read 50 shades of Grey -…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic in the forum libby1 10 years, 3 months ago
Thank you, thats very nice..
Have a nice weekend -
libby1 replied to the topic am i over reacting?? in the forum National Chat 10 years, 3 months ago
My Husband is one of 5 too, i wish they would do things with my children.
My bil promises my children things and never fulfills, i really hate him for that..
One of my sil took my children to the house over the Summer, they make excuses to come back..the next day.
My children dont really enough their Aunts and Uncles of their Dads side..Life is…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic am i over reacting?? in the forum National Chat 10 years, 3 months ago
Aren’t you lucky , your daughter was treated. It could have been quite the opposite, I understand you feel upset, but i’m sure there is a lot of other things you can do with your daughter.
libby1 replied to the topic secondary school choices in the forum Louth Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
Why not St Oliver’s?
All schools have stories, i know success and unsuccessful stories from all schools.
Its up to the individual student to workSt Oliver’s fits in to the disadvantage schools and gets extra funding for curriculum activities, Pupils get extra marks for Leaving Cert subjects..
I went to that school too
libby1 replied to the topic secondary school choices in the forum Louth Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
I’m sure he does, st Mary’s parish primary is an excellent school, so glad my dd got the opportunity of a mixed primary school..
libby1 replied to the topic secondary school choices in the forum Louth Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
What type of school?
my son is in transition year in St Mary’s Disocean School, he has got on so well, he is not into sports at all, and was worried about going there, but he has got a lot of academic opportunitiesMy daughter is in first year of Sacred Heart school in Drogheda, very strict, took her about 6 weeks to settle, gets a lot of…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic social media in the forum National Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
I have a 13 yr old and a 16yr old
my 16 DS got Facebook account when he was 13, I still monitor it weekly..
my 13 DD has no interest in Facebook at all, she would go on to my page and look at photographs from the basketball and scout group she is attached to…They both have iPods, and my son brought his own iPad , they have phones, my dd only…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic Help with a teenage son. in the forum Parenting Advice & Support 10 years, 4 months ago
You need to gain his respect and find out where he is going, i would not put up with that behaviour from him. I understand that he wants to do what his friends are up too but he is only 15.
I would sit down and talk to him and find a common ground and work from that, Do you spend time with him on 1:1 activities – playing pool / pitch and…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic Sick of work bully in the forum National Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
Proud of you.. Keep a record.
It takes all sorts
libby1 replied to the topic End ofa friendship in the forum National Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
Had that same experience with my daughter and the icing on the cake was, when my daughter was invited to her party, and I wouldn’t have known only my sister brought my daughter to the cinema the same day.
I was mad, to say the least, I wanted to say something but my hubby wouldn’t let me.
So I blanked it out of my mind ( well tried too)
libby1 replied to the topic Movies we've seen recently – what about you? in the forum Movies, TV, Books & Entertainment 10 years, 4 months ago
Went to see Noble – it was very good, true story.
Deirdre OKane was a great actor, it was an inspiration to see all the work Christine Noble did…There is one due about a guy with Motor Neuron , cannt wait to see it.
Like the trailer for 40 shades of grey too.
libby1 replied to the topic Sleepovers in the forum National Chat 10 years, 5 months ago
Really hate Sleepovers
My dd comes home moody and tired, its ok during holiday time but thats whereit stops..I dont encourage it at all,
libby1 replied to the topic What age to leave child at home unsupervised??? in the forum National Chat 10 years, 5 months ago
I have a 15 yr old going on 16 and in the last year, he minds his sister who is going on 13 when we got out at night, which is quite rare now, if were are eating out they want to come with us.
My 12 yr old daughter has only started to stay in the house on her own. last 2 yr she did come home from school at 3:15 and her brother was home at…[Read more]
libby1 replied to the topic Movies we've seen recently – what about you? in the forum Movies, TV, Books & Entertainment 10 years, 5 months ago
Went last week to Fault in Your Stars, i loved it , really like the Arc – Tuesday night that do great deals..
Looking forward to seeing The Judge..
Hoping to see NOBLE next week
libby1 replied to the topic in the forum libby1 10 years, 5 months ago
Aldi and lidl both support Irish
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