laura replied to the topic Slimming world says 'no need to exercise'!! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years ago
IM SORRY GUYS BUT I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THIS!!!..n 1. dieting will not get you skinny…will simply let you drop some pounds of the scales by doing a non sustainable eating plan (yo-yo dieting anyone?)…how many of you have gone on a diet and have kept the weight off since then?… research says 2% of the population!..
if you are serious…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic Labfitness OFD PLan in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 6 months ago
Well done Siobhan… you have done super super well 😀
And thank you for embracing the knowledge… the main problem I think Ireland has with fat loss is that people are always looking for easy ways (and lazy ways) of achieving rapid weight loss…however weight loss and FAT LOSS are 2 completely different things…please read below
Caloric…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic exercise via sore knee in the forum mams.ie Weight Loss Support Group 11 years, 6 months ago
hi Susan,
thanks for your message. The first thing you need to assess is the type of runner you are wearing for walking… how many miles would you do on average? a minimul show would be ideal (either five fingers or nike free) but stay away from anything with too much cushioning).
There are 2 exercises I would recommend…one is Antigravity…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic ZUMBATHON FOR BOOMERANG CAFE in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 8 months ago
make sure you bring April and Robin… one of the instructors will teach zumbatomic for kiddies!
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 8 months ago
the next one with available spaces (1 place) is july 1st…after that we have places in 29th September
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
and remember Sabbi this is just the beginning…fat loss is not rapid… if you ever hear people saying they have dropped 16 pounds in 4 weeks i can guarantee you most of it is fluid and muscle and very little fat…
you now have the knowledge of how to eat properly and in a balanced way to keep your hormones happy
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
hi Taylor,
no Val hasnt been in touch…
sabbi, i was mega impressed yesterday with you…so used to seeing you in gym clothes…you could really see in your normal clothes yesterday… but now remember none of this going back to old habits now! 😉
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
Totally overwhelmed by the response i’ve got so far with operation fat destruction… all courses are now full until mid may!!!
Anyone interested in enrolling please mail me at laura@labfitness.com
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
Saturday night in this house is timeout for the mammys and daddys. We have a drink and some munchies – usually a big bar of chocolate or a bag of dry roasted peanuts between us. Looks like we should stick to the nuts!!
Is there any type of wine that is low in sugar? I have two glasses of white wine on a Saturday night – maybe one on a Friday but…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic Low fat = Bad……Full fat = Good!!! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
any low fat product is just pure chemicals!!! your body was not designed to break down chemicals..so when you consume them on a daily basis, forget about shifting fat… it just wont happen.
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
Wow Those results are AMAZING!! The girl in the blue was thin enough starting off, but OMG he whole shape has changed…. the shape of her bum is the shape every woman wants, she is just all curves in the After shots.
Well done who every she is and well done Laura, with results like that you are going to be a very very busy lady
HI Taylor,the…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
is there any room for treats at all in this programme?? its sounds great but need my vices (wine choc occassionally. 🙄 😉
hi domomum3,
this is a very different programme to slimming world or weight watchers…it is about learning about nutrition so both your body and mind benefit from it.
Once a week you must have a cheat meal (wine…[Read more] -
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
another girl
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 10 months ago
one of the girls who did the 28 day fat loss challenge with us last week…check the amazing results!
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
perfect Taylor, the sooner you get all the questionnaires back to me, the quicker we can get you started on the right track to get rid of stubborn fat
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
hi Mary,
the actual exercises classes are on line, so you can do them at home in your free time. You just need a set of 3kg dumbbells.
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
ok about Operation fat destruction (that’s the name of the programme :))..
OFD is not a DIET club! we dont diet, we actually eat lots. We teach you about nutrition, how your body works and how it reacts to different foods.
Diets work in the short term, Lifestyle changes work long term.If you are tired of dieting and piling on the pounds, then…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
we just filmed 3 metabolic effect classes last friday so anyone looking to do the 28 day fat loss programme will be able to exercise from home…all you will need is access to a laptop and a set of dumbbells.
sabbi i can already see the difference in you…especially in your face and your waist…well done!
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
hi Fabienne,
all details, including pricing, will be finalised by wednesday so i will post it as soon as it is ready 🙂
the programme is 28 days however i will encourage everyone to keep it up for life (not just 1 month) so the earlier you get started, the better results you will have by summer as the28 days is just a jump start to get your…[Read more]
laura replied to the topic My Metabolic diet diary – trying to lose my belly fat! in the forum Exercise, Nutrition, Health Issues & illness 11 years, 11 months ago
hi mammycool, the programme is not a diet…so it is not something you do for a few weeks and then you leave it and go back to your old habits…its all about educating those involved on how the human body reacts (and in particular hormones) to food choices, so everyone that has taken part in the pilot programme has a very good understanding of…[Read more]
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