
  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 2 months ago

    Hopefully it’s all fixed now for good, and the end of a very very long wait for proper care.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 3 months ago

    Great ideas, thank you for sharing.
    May I ask the price of the twisted floor lamp? I went to the website but need to register to find out the price. So I did not.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 4 months ago

    Was thinking the same, looking for a cleaner on the noth side of Drogheda (olny evry second week).

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 4 months ago

    Periods can start nowadays from 5th or 6th class. It’s not uncommon.
    It is much sooned than our generation due to various factors.


  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 5 months ago

    Great advices. I like the comment: " Remember, if your granny didn’t eat it it’s probably not actual food!"
    Now going to resist the temptation of eating now when I know proper diner will be served in about 2 hours (it’s late on wednesdays only due to children activities).
    Yes, ladies, post your updates, and help each other.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 6 months ago

    I really understand your frustration and lack of support and care.
    I would use to avoid any visible accident in school, some pull ups nappies or something similar.

    Sorry to hear they do not care about A at all.


  • I also heard about parents because books and official uniform are so expensive they have to choose between sending kids to school with the perfect uniform that cost an arm and a leg (but they do it so kids don’t feel an outsider) or pay utility bills.

    I’m glad that the secondary school my daughter is going to it’s only a jumper with crest, but…[Read more]

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 6 months ago

    Very sad news around the world.
    but can you here or another post give details about the disco?


  • We had a neighbour that had a dog that was barking all the time. One day we did talk to them, and they were not aware of it at all. The had to get some advice and all and they every once in a while asked us if he was getting better.
    And about few days after we talked to them (but it was going on for months) they had the dog warden knocking at…[Read more]

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 7 months ago

    Next time it happens, record it on your phone.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the update. Worth looking into it.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 7 months ago

    It’s embarrassing for both when it happens.
    But once it happened to me but it was a man (dad of a child I had in my french class), we met at the supermarket and he did congratulate me or asked me when I was due. Then I told him that I wasn’t pregnant. He was so embarrassed the end of the chat was a bit akward. Now I think he’ll never say anything…[Read more]

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 7 months ago

    Sabbi, what did you decide to go for? If you get ducks let me know , I’m really mad about ducks and calf (baby cow) but I’m getting neither of them so if you get ducks I’ll come and visit 😆 .
    I’ts nearly a living farm here so have to stop, it’s already too small for the horse (who tried few times to come inside).
    But please Sabbi, let us…[Read more]

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 8 months ago

    Let us know how she’s getting on.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 8 months ago


    Do you have it? Can we have a " test drive" ? Our carpet here is a nightmare, with our furry friends.

  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 8 months ago

    What is a VPN (I heard that word before but don’t know what it is) and HOW you use it?


  • Fabienne replied to the topic in the forum Fabienne 8 years, 8 months ago

    I have all kind of pets at home (the list is long), but recently I got chickens. I got them for the eggs. But they are friendly, they come to you , it’s low maintenance, and they stay outside, no mess inside.
    The other day we had to some some work in the chicken run (that we decided to built instead of buying as cheaper) and the hens were always…[Read more]

  • Sorry to hear that ypu’re not close to a solution and that you’re still in pain.
    ain is a very serious problem but is not treatedf in general.
    In France years ago, my mum was in constant pain, could not walk, did tests, they found out what was the issue, but did not want to operate as it was not major issue. She could not walk and was in constant…[Read more]

  • Munchin, great idea about writing down all the questions.
    And don’t stop until they are all answered. Resting is always beneficial for baby growth.
    Will be thinking of you on monday.
    If doctors and/or you is worried, doctors can always request in few weeks another scan (might need to insist now with all the cut backs in HSE budget) to follow it…[Read more]

  • I don’t have any advice, but when you go on monday ask ALL the questions to have your worries lifted or concerns explain (don’t know at all if it’s a concern or just a small baby). It doesn’t matter if your doctor normally rushed you out, stay and don’t stop asking questions until you are sure that you’ll not be worried once home.
    Personnally my…[Read more]

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