depression and the stigma attached to it

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    You do realise that we are all going to be over you like a bad rash? Making sure you do it? xxx

    yes chewie i know 🙂

    thanks sabbi


    😆 go on…. pick up the phone!


    😆 go on…. pick up the phone!



    Joey so sorry to hear you are feeling like this, but you have taken a big step by speaking out here and the support you will get will be just what you need.

    I definitely agree to talk to someone as soon as you can. As important as your four children are, you are equally as important. I’m sure your gp will help you get the right person to speakto.

    Do speak to your DH about it also, as then he might understand things more and help out that little bit more too.

    Mind yourself xxx


    thanks yvonne, my dh knows i’m stressed about something and he’s trying to help with things too…but i just can’t talk to him about it yet


    perhaps that is why you need an outside party…. sometimes people are just too close…. and we tend to close those that are closest to us out first… or at least I do…. Keep us in the loop hun…. we are here…x


    THINKING OF YOU. i always say a happy mammy leads to happy kids. you have to go to gp as if the mammy in the house goes down its like the captain of the ship going down.

    i am not trying to offend you or be smart but us mammys hold things together and often forget about ourselves.

    you are a VERY important mammy and wife and sound like a lovely person so if you fancy a cuppa give me a shout.
    hope you go to the gp on mon and have a chat and i must admit i admire your honesty and i know in the future people well read this post in the future and will gain strength and understanding from it. we are all here for you. keep us posted.



    thanks 🙂

    i’m trying not to over think going to talk to someone or i’ll have a panic attack again…..its good to know its not just me dealing with this


    Joey i still dont have time to post but i will just give a quick post as your post has touched a nerve. i too suffer with depression and have done on and off for the past 7 years.
    Your not alone and yes there is a stigima, but i think we all need to change that. The Media are trying with Mental health adverts but its our heads we need to change. There are a lot of people i have never told i suffer with depression, my MIL being one of them.
    There is group session in Drogheda that are very good… go to the GP and have a chat, go back to your sessions, your not a problem or a hassle to them, your a client and a paitent. They just want to help make you better and they cant do that if you dont talk, take your meds and if they arent working well then changed them, your not a Drug that starts with E and has an F and X in the title?

    A few little tips that i use to keep me well.
    1) Take time out for me, durning the summer more than winter as i have had the kids all day and then its me time when dh comes home

    2) Drink plenty of water and try eat well, plenty of fruits and veg.

    3) Get out walking or doing a work out class, my gp was telling me for years and i scoffed at it, but after op trans i did realise the benefits of a work out.

    4) Go to bed early and rise early….. You know i dont follow that one very often 😆 😆 😆

    But you even making this post is a step in the right direction, there is a great book called "when panic Attacks" its a great read and the benefits are amazing!!


    thanks taylor


    Hugs everyone…

    Saying it on here , is a big part of speaking out..
    Depression – its a big word. Everyone has some sort of experience with this whether its oneself , family member or friend..

    Joey look after yourself… There is one of u and please please go to the GP, there are great support out there..



    How are you feeling today Joey?


    feeling ok today just getting nervous about monday but it won’t be that bad
    as long as i get things sorted out then its good


    Try not to worry too much, all this is a step in the right direction.

    And do try and make time for yourself, it is an important factor, even if its only 15 mins, shut the door of the room and listen to music or read a magazine, it will all help.



    i’m trying to have some me time but hard when the kids are all mammy, mammy…but as soon as they sleep i getme time

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