looking for a gynae

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    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 oh god you made me LOL, living in the doc surgery 🙂 prob get more sick with all the old biddys coming in coughing on top of ya 🙂 🙂

    eh hmm, id have to psych meself up for a year b4 id get a smear done or else give me an epidural so i dont feel them scraping me 🙂 🙂 YUCK YUCK


    Its not that bad Yummy – uncomfortable and embarrassing but doesn’t really hurt – I must get one done, its being 4 years since!

    The first one ever I got done, just as she was about to do what she had to, she said ‘we used to live beside you’ – eh yeah, not the time or the place!!!!!! So it proved a bit more difficult….


    glad you got it sorted hmm the internet is a scarry place

    iv never had one done either i must book one but my doc was a man so i never got one done 😳 😳


    The nurse does it at my doctors which is better but I still can’t bring myself to book one!

    I want to change doctors – but finding it hard to get into another one, want a female doctor too – any recommendations? My doctor is nice but when I look out my house windows I see his house – too close for me….


    😆 😆 oh yvonne, id pull me knickers back up and walk out 😆 😆 😆 😆 MORTO!!!!!

    oh i just cant bear the thoughts of it though.


    i want to find a doc in drogheda my doc is in dublin went to one before in drogh but he is retired now so dont know any other ones


    It was tough, believe me!!!


    my doc is dr lynn but wouldnt recommend him as he is never there. there is a doc at the boyne medical centre that is supposed to be very nice.

    have a look in the phone book, they are mostly on fair street anyway.


    yes i tried that one before but they arnt taking on any new patience

    there is a medical place acorss the road from the blues i went in there but they are all surgeons and you have to be sent to them buy a doc 🙄


    😳 😳 It was Dr. Lynn’s wife that said that to me!!!! Sorry but I don’t like him at all….. Gismo goes to him too. I left him because of that and that he never seemed to listen to me.

    I have rang a few and they say we are not taking new clients…. or I had to have family in the surgery already?


    yeah id love to change docs but its a major hassle!!!!!!!!!!!! there is one beside carleys pub atthe market, i went to him when i was preg as i didnt want my doc to know and also j dad has brought him there when my doc wasntopened ( he never fecking is) adn they seen him but then again my x is with that doc so maybe thats why.

    keep ringing around im sure there is one who will accept.

    i thought dr lynn wife was the nurse in his surgery?? am i mistaken? is she a doc as well?


    Yes she is the nurse! They lived next to us years ago from what I remember…. and she had to remind me.


    I should really get this sorted too. The only thing about my doctor is that I feel I have to stick up for him . He is my doc since I was born and has given me great support over the past few hard months and the girls are lovely. So even though I’m out in dunleer I wouldn’t change and will continue with him even though sometimes when i go i do get another doctor but the docs i do get in his place are equally good.

    But don’t want to get any gynae stuff done there 😳 😳 😳 to embarrassing. Pity there isn’t a women’s clinic in drogheda


    he’s never there anytime i go gis, and sometimes i go out to dullek and he not there either!!!!


    Oh I’m so glad to hear that HMM! Great news!

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