first communion

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    i haven’t gotten my children christened they won’t be making their communion or confirmation either
    my parent and in laws were not happy when we told them
    but we see it as we don’t go to church except for funerals, weddings or christnings if were invited, why hould we force our children to
    we both decided to get married in a registry office too because of the about reason
    we believe the children can learn all about different religions while they are growing up and make their own decision when they are older
    my parents brought me up in a religion that i don’t agree with and i don’t believe i should do the same to my children just because its expected of me by my family

    anyone that is commited to bringing their children up the way they see is right should be commended not shot down for expressing their opinion

    Sabrinab 08

    Omg.. thats a bit silly innit, talk baout confusing the kids!!! sure whats the point! im sure he was probably tryin to accomodate the small polish community that may have been in the church but seriouly that would but nayone off never mind kids!!! its tough enough for the kids to comprehend sometimes but thats just silly.. its another example of the irsh "trying" to be p.c!! 🙄 😀 did he explain at all why he was speaking polish or what he had said even??


    nope he just said and now a few words in polish!!!and off he went, no explaianation as to what is was about.
    maybe if exaplined what he had said it would have been a bit better.

    was a nice mass though.


    Oh dear didn’t realise our little chat yummy would start all this off 😳

    Religion can be quiet a tricky subject to discuss & as I result I tend to steer clear of it – bascially I belive each to their own.

    However i do not agree with the whole "day" that first holy communion has become – i totally disagree with the whole haridressers, false tan, partys, limos etc etc and under no circumstance will my little one be getting any of that carry on. (neither will my niece incidently that yummy & I were talking about)


    what time is the mass in olol church cos every time i bring dd they are saying there last prayer 😀 and it is always freezing … i have brought dd to xmas and easter mass and like yummy"s boy she didnt sit still trough the whole thing.
    dd is christened and i got married in the church but cos i dont go dosnt mean i dont believe in god and dont tell dd about god

    i used to love going to mass when i was younger i was always in the play and loved all the songs they sang ..mass dosnt seam to be like this anymore …( see this little light of mine was one of me favs )


    Rossy I see where your coming from but you are trying to instill a belief in your child. The people that Im talking about are the ones who the kid cant bless him/herself at holy communion time and hasnt got a breeze about God, the birth of jesus, etc…..
    I think the OLOL church is on the hour, but not 100%. Did you try google it, Im sure I found the mass times on line when my mam was up staying


    Hi Yummymummy,

    There is no offence taken , i just though it would be a Healthy Debate.

    The Augustian Church do a Childrens Mass on every second sunday , the next one is Sunday 2nd of November @12:15pm

    Not too early for those that have been out the night b4.

    Give it a try, please.

    So whats the next Healthy topic we need to discuss.



    lisa OLOL church is on at 10.30, 11.30 and 12.30 on a sunday!
    ds mass was at 10.30 but i think its just once a month, see the boys did the prayers of the faithful, and the offetry.

    ds knows his prayers, sometimes ill catch him praying to holy god as he says cos he wants to!!! knows how to bless himself and knows the main prayers like hail mary, our father etc. i dont see a lack of religion in him just cos i dont bring him to mass!

    we used to go to the fransican church when we were younger and there was a seperate room for childrne, but then again some people could argue as to whats the point in bringing kids to mass if you are going to stick them in a seperate room you know, you’ll get arguements on all sides!!


    st peters parish must be reading this cos 2 little old ladies are after leaving me a statue of our lady and came in and said 2 prayers and 2 bottles of holy water and given me some miraculls medels 😆 😆


    Childrens Mass this Sunday at 12:15 in the Augustine Church


    I have a question with this topic. Do you believe it is hypocritical for parents to force their children to go to church, receive communion when they themselves do not have faith? My cousin was forced to go to church when she was a child, her grandmother was religious but her parents never set foot in the church. But on days she refused to go to church, her mother would tell her its important to go. When she asked why, my aunt’s response would be "because you have to". I feel like my cousin felt that if her parents didn’t believe in God, surely there was not God.
    …What do you think?


    Wow, this is a really interesting read. I think it was Father Iggy who said that maybe the church should look at how they insist that kids must be baptised to attend many schools rather than the parents being looked at for complying.

    I don’t really know where I stand on this one. I wasn’t an regular church goer when I was married in a Catholic church (and my dd was baptised at the same ceremony!!) but once dd was old enough to sit still I started taking her more and more regularly – driving to Julian’s Town to find more kids . 😳 We had ds baptised as a baby and now go every week now so I’m glad that we went through the motions. I think that having kids and wanting to ‘do the right thing’ involves different actions with different people. That said, and I apologise if I offend anyone by saying this but I think we agreed that this is a thread to be honest in, but I am not sure if I am taking them for the right reasons. The ceremony, smells and bells, of mass are comforting and festive and the sense of community is great, especially for someone like me who seems to move countries every few years 🙄 but is that enough reason to tell your kids what to believe? Even when I disagree with some of the teachings?

    My gut reaction is that if you don’t go to mass you shouldn’t really have them make their communion but surely by that token, should I be taking my kids to mass if I am not 100% sure about my own motivation? Man oh man, this parenting thing is HARD.


    Yes i agreed, we need to be honest here, Parenting is hard.

    Whats the pointing in putting your kids through it , if you don’t support them all the way?

    Remember back to the child christening’s-

    What did you as Parents & God -Parents commit to?

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