Conceiving either a boy or a girl??? Can it be done??

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    Ok, so have been reading about companies who gives out packs to parents (for 47 dollars!) and inside contains (apparently) everything you need to know to conceive either a baby boy or a baby girl

    Apparently your basal body temperature, foods you eat, day you conceive and position for sex all determine whether you get a boy or a girl

    Has anyone ever done anything like this? Does it work?

    Is it all a load of nonsense and a money making scam?

    Would love to hear from people who have tried this….



    ah shite just lost a big post…
    keep your money would guess its a rip off, why havent the beckhams used this, ah maybe they dont have the 48 dollars 😆 😆 😆

    i do know what a man eats or drinks has an effect on the quality and performance of their sperm.. but you can get this info for free on the net.
    position… I should have had sextuplets if thats the case 😳 😆 😆 😆

    i do know but not sure which… but you have male and female sperm, one is a slower swimmer and lives up to 3 days the other faster swimmer and lives only 24 hours. So for example lets say the girls are the slower/long life swimmers you should have sex ( or make luv) a few days before ovulation… then if you want a boy make luv on the day of ouvlation, so the boy sperm gets there quicker and stay alive to do the task in hand 😉 (not sure which sperm lives longer but you could google)
    So anyone reading this save you money and invest in a good ovulation kit…


    Yes, as far as I am aware there are certain factors that can increase your chances of a certain gender e.g. timing of intercourse around ovulation. However, there are so many variables/factors going on at the time of conception in all sorts of combinations that come into play that I would say all you could do would be to try and increase your chances but this does not guareentee the preferred gender outcome. Taylor was on the right track about male/female sperm.

    Male sperm/swimmers are the faster swimmers but do not indure as long as female swimmers so IN THEORY if you time intercourse as close as possible to ovulation you are more likely to have a boy. People often hear about this in relation to the Shettles method:

    Taken from


    Basically, men produce two types of sperms, the X (female) and Y (male). According to Dr. Shettles’ studies the y-sperms are smaller, weaker, but faster than their siblings x-sperms, which are bigger, stronger, but slower.

    Based on this fact, there are several things you can do to "favor" the conception of boys or girls:

    (1) The most important aspect of all is timing of intercourse during the monthly cycle. The closer to ovulation you have sex, the better the chances to have a boy, because the y-sperms are faster and tend to get to the egg first. If you have sex 3 days or more before ovulation, the better your chances to conceive a girl, because the weaker y-sperms tend to die sooner and the x-sperms will be available in greater quantity whenever the egg is released. On the other hand, having sex from 2 days before ovulation, through a few days after ovulation, is better for conceiving a boy. Around the 2-day point — 48 hours before ovulation — seems to be the 50/50 mark.
    (2) The pH of the women’s tract is also very important. A more acidic environment favors girls, since it will kill the weaker y-sperms first, leaving a greater quantity of x-sperms available to fertilize the egg. On the other hand, a more alkaline environment favors boys. Shettles recommends a douche of water and vinegar (acid) immediately before intercourse to favor a girl; a douche of water and baking soda (alkaline) will help for a boy.

    (Don’t try this without reading Shettles! You have to dilute the douches properly, according to his formula, or they won’t help andmight hurt you.)

    Note: Some women are naturally very acidic and have a hard time conceiving boys.

    (3) Position of intercourse and depth of penetration are important, partly because of pH. The closer to the entrance to the vagina, the more acidic the women’s tract is. Also, deep penetration places the sperm closer to the egg, and gives those aggressive boy sperms a head start :-). So, a shallow penetration will favor girls and a deeper will favor boys. Shettles recommends missionary-position for a girl, and rear-entry (dog-style) for a boy.

    (4) Women’s orgasms can also be important. It also has to do with pH. When a woman has an orgasm, the body releases some kind of substance that makes the environment more alkaline, favoring boys. He recommends no orgasms when trying for girls!

    (5) The sperm count is another factor. Obviously, a low sperm count to begin with doesn’t favor either sex. But a high sperm count favors boys. Shettles recommends three things:

    # (a) When trying for a boy, don’t have sex for 3- 4 days before you reach the target date a day or two before ovulation! For girls, have sex everyday from day=1 or day=5 ("cleaner" :-)), and stop 3 days before ovulation.
    # (b) Shettles recommends that for boys, the man wear loose underwear only — that is, men who usually wear briefs or other tight underwear should switch to boxers. The idea is the same as wearing boxers to increase overall fertility — the testicles need cooler temperatures for sperms to survive, and the Y-sperms, since they are weaker, will be helped more than the X-sperms by this method. However, Shettles does NOT recommend the opposite, that men wear briefs for a girl — this will just decrease overall fertility.
    # (c) Also, for a girl, the man is supposed to take a hot bath immediately before intercourse. "Room temperature" is fine for a boy. The idea is the same as the briefs versus boxers — give the X- sperms an advantage.

    (6) Finally, in trying for a boy, Shettles recommends a nice cup of caffeinated coffee for the man, right before sex — he isn’t clear on how or why this works, but apparently it gives the Y-sperms a jolt!

    Well, these are the big ones. Read the book for other details. If you can determine the time of ovulation and follow the rules presented in his book, Dr. Shettles claims a success rate of 70-75% for girls and 75-80% for boys (better than the normal 50%). As you see, it’s not 100%!!!

    Also, Shettles recommends a "practice" period of 3-6 months, to make sure the couple has all the techniques down properly.

    Now as you can see there is lots going on within the Shettles Method. I personally wouldn’t even try the douche myself and the way I see it these methods may only help "FAVOR" one gender over the other.

    In my experience we were TTC for numerous months and ended up timing intercourse as close to ovulation as possible to maximise our chances of getting pregnant. When we did become pregnant I did think we might be likely to have a boy due to timing but other factors came into play and we had a baby girl.

    I would have to say I totally agree with Taylor there is plenty of information for free, some of it is somewhat fact based and some anecdotal, draw your own conclusions on how accurate you feel this information is depending on the source. I would not pay money for a kit either as for that amount of money I would want a high % accuracy of the info getting me the outcome I preferred. Maybe it’s just the research scientist in me, but I am sure they can not guarentee this.

    If you are interested maybe give some parts of the shettles method a go e.g timing of intercourse around ovulation (I also recommend ovulation predictor tests and/or FAM to help determine more accurately when you may be ovulating.

    Hope the information is of some help.

    All the best 🙂


    Holy moley – that’s a lot of information!!! But very informative…

    I wonder if this actually worked for anyone – has anyone really tried these things and had sucess, very curious now having read all that.

    Thanks whfl – you’re a mine of information 😉


    save your money and check out "" – you plug in your cycle information and your ‘goal’ ie. conceive a baby, conceive a boy baby or conceive a girl baby and it will give you the best dates to try to conceive based on your cycle. It basically takes the shettles method and calculates it for you…assuming you have a decent knowledge of your cycles.

    we didn’t really care what we had but would have liked another girl on our 4th as we had a dd and 2 boys already – it worked for us – but didn’t for a friend…so take it all with a grain of salt!


    Once again I’ll put the book : Taking Charge of your fertility : Toni Weschler out there. Incredible in terms of info, and also so easy to follow.

    For example, as per the book:
    timing for a boy…. you should have intercourse on your Peak day, as well as the following day.

    timing for a girl: You should have intercouse several days before your Peak Day, but preferably not closer than 2 days before.

    "Peak Day" is either the last day of :
    eggwhite quality cervical fluid / lubricative vaginal sensation / any mid-cycle spotting.

    Obviously… it still depends on the luck of the moment… but you can "weigh" your odds either way…. 😉

    and I have one of each….. 😉


    i only every wanted boys and i have two by doing it on the day and the days after… to be sure to be sure…


    didn’t work for me, i did the days iykwim, but ended up with a boy, not that i would swap him for the world…except on the days he screams…

    i was convinced though i was having a girl pregnancy was so different, but i often wonder what it would be like to have a girl, i find i go all gooey overgirl things, but then i think uh hormones, boyfriends etc etc….lol….

    i don’t think i’d go again but if i tried again and wanted a girl and it was a boy i don’t think i’d be disapointed, deep down maybe, but really once it was healthy does it matter?

    i had a recession baby, reduce reuse recycle, lol, got to use all the clothes and toys again…happy days… 😆 😆 (that’s my concilation)

    sure we can have fun trying….lol…..

    for all those trying have fun


    Perhaps we should not try to play too seriously with Mother Nature, or too much, she will only have a giggle.

    Just be happy if our children turn out to be happy and healthy, whatever they are.

    There are plenty out there suffering with no child, as well as those struggling with the health of a child with difficulties, so perhaps counting blessings if one is fortunate enough to have been gifted a happy and healthy child is a good plan.

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