Birthing/fitness ball

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    Having some problems with my birthing ball and think I need a new one. Does anyone know where I can get one around the Drogheda area at good price?



    Tesco do a fitness ball…. Laura from Labfitness might be able to sort you out 😆 😆 😆


    Sports shop in Scotch hall €20 or Argos have loads!


    stability balls are available everywhere nowadays, however very few places have the right size for most women… if you are small like me, you need a 55 cm one (and most shops only sell 65 or 75 which would be for someone 6 ft tall).

    it is very important that when sitting in the ball your hips are aligned with your knees, and no higher.

    As well depending on the quality of the material, the ball will be firm (which is what you are looking for) or soft and sinky!… stay away from Reebok ones…they are far too soft…

    i always buy mine from sports providers..there is a little shop at the bottom of stockwell street called Marlis’ and he supplied me with all the ones i had in studio…very cheap …about 15 euro for a proper one…but remember to buy a 55cm.


    I have one if you want it (free), its the argos type and im never-ever-ever gonna use it again 😆 😆 email


    Sarah in Bodyright Physio sells them (
    They’re really good quality and are burst resistant. I think it was in and around the €25 mark.

    I had bought one from Tesco before and it didn’t have the same strength of rubber, had to be pumped up a lot, and squashed down too much when I sat on it.

    I use the one I got from Bodyright every day and it hasn’t had to be pumped up since the first time I pumped it up.

    Happy bouncing!

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