yeah i’m preggers

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    Gizmo, don’t worry yourself over potty training, he may not just be ready…d was ages at all that stuff ,but don’t rush them because you think they are age appropriate. She has only just got night time trained…they will do it in their OWN time, when they are ready. ( I think one only sees this after its all done and dusted – that nothing you did , read or said made any difference , only time..)Just a little gentle guidance and don’t make it a big deal.

    I never saw a 15 year old in a nappy so don’t put pressure on them or yourself 🙂

    I think a lot of people do the whole "baby olympics " stuff with toilet/ night time training- and think their kid must be cleverer than other kids if they are potty trained or whatever at an early age….but not true my dd was the last of every one we knew at toliet stuff yet she is the top of the class according to her teacher 😀 😀 .


    Happymumblemum you have cheered me up no end. Thank you so much. i don’t want to be forcing him either as I hear that if you put too much pressure on him he could go the other way. I read somewhere about a mum who put so much pressure on her son to get trained that he now has a phobia of the toilet and refuses to go.

    I’m not going to be too hard on him. So far this morning he has gone four times this morning and no accidents so thats not too bad.


    Hello Girls i thought i could creep up here and join the chat 😳
    First off Congrats to the LO on the way scole1. Do you know if it’s pink or blue. How exciting!! I also have a son (Antonio) just turned 3 today!!! and a lovely 6 yr daughter (Graciella)…as i read in some previous posts someone’s potty training. This past August i potty trained my son it took almost 2 weeks with some fall outs but we managed. It was sooooooooo fustrating thinking he got the hang of it and then you find them with wet pants 😯 ! I got into the routine of putting him on the potty ever hour/half especially after feeds and naps. He still sleeps in big boy pull ups! Don’t worry if he really can’t get the hang of it wait a bit but still continue to put him on the potty. Now and then my boy still have his "spot" slips haha. I’d say keep at it..he WILL get the point and once he does keep praising it makes them and you feel so good. Not to mention not changing poop in nappys is Heaven sent 😆 !


    Hi girls,

    I have six weeks to go from today – and no bag packed! All the baby clothes and stuff are still in the attic – will have to send the hubby up – needs a good kick in the rear to getting him moving.

    For the first time, feeling really fedup and want this baby out!


    you better get a move on i wasn’t ready either and i had to send people to pack my bag when i went in on friday

    it’ll fly by and then you’ll have your little one in your arms


    I have 8 weeks left mammycool and got everything bought for the bag this weekend but the thoughts of having to pack is a pain in the bum ha ha. But planning on doing it tonight..but watchin dancin on ice so it might have to wait until tomorrow. But after seeing what happened to joey rudd with her little one coming early I better get the bag sorted. 😀 😀


    Gismo i was in at 7 weeks to go so get your bag ready, Heatons do grand pj’s for the hospital

    Girls I would sooo love to be packing my bag for a new arrival, my ds is only 3 months and it seems like a life time ago. I was talking to dh about another baby and he nearly had a stroke and hasnt looked at me since


    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 laughing here at ya Taylor…give your body a chance…can imagine your poor hubby’s face when you mentioned another bab. I am so looking forward to this one and will definitely have my bag packed today I promise.


    Ok girls – now you are getting me worried! Sent the hubby up and got the clothes down. Found loads of baby grows but no vests. Also, found the moses basket but stipped of it’s bedding. Went shopping for vests and could only get newborn or 3 – 6 months – been told this will be another big one – so don’t think the newborn will be much good! Have to send the hubby back up today – and then panic 😀

    There seem to be lots of March babies around – good luck to everyone. My last baby was a March baby as well – almost the exact same due date but he decided he did not want to come out – so expecting this one to be the same!!!!!!! Until I am organised anyway!

    This second pregnancy is totally different – on 1st you can think of nothing else. This time, you don’t get time to think about it – so it does not really seem real – starting to feel very real and exciting now!


    mammy cool i agree with you in the sense of finding the time to get things done on your second. I have a 2 year old who was also a march due date but didn’t arrive til April. I’m due a week earlier on this one so who knows what will happen.

    I am suffering from serious pressure feeling down below today!! Have to go pee every bloody ten minutes..oh the joys. At least I got a lovely nap there and feel a hell of a lot better for it. Now to get packing 😀


    gizmo – yes the pressure is horrible now. Baby cannot decide whether to kick me in the ribs or press down hard. He/she is mad busy today! Make the most of your little sleeps in the afternoon – you won’t have them for long with 2 little characters to keep you busy!!!! My ds is off with his granny while I "work"


    Oh I know mammy cool. The pressure is so bad…was feeling really horrible last night and today with cramps like period cramps and then other pains from the top of my bump. Babs very much active today. Had my appointment on tuesday and doc said baby’s head is down but not engaged or anything. She had a good poke and prod at the bump so maybe this caused the discomfort yesterday.

    heading out for a meal tonight and really looking forward to it. Carlitos in Dunleer.

    Mammy cool you getting much sleep. I can’t seem to get comfortable at all and then I’m up every hour to pee. Sure it won’t be long til the little ones are here so all these aches and pains will be over. But will miss the kicks so much.


    Yes, the aches and pains are getting tough! I was at pregnancy yoga last night – that seems to relieve all the pains. I am actually sleeping a lot better now. My ds was still taking bottle up until about a month ago – he was really messing and waking up every 3 hours or so. Have him off the bottle and he now sleeps through the night. Waking up once for the loo about 2ish and then my hubby is going out around 4 or 5 all week, so he wakes me up – men do not know the meaning of leaving quietly!! In saying that, once he is gone, I have a nice big bed to stretch out in. Then up for 7.30ish.

    At the doctor this morning – baby is also head down(has been for a few weeks) but not engaged yet. It was the same with the last fella – he was head down by 32 weeks but did not bother showing up until 42 weeks. Hopefully will not have that again!!! Was terrified of being induced and cried all that day! Anyhow, worked out really well then – so I have a very positive attitude this time – going for another natural birth – God willing.


    I slept in the spare room last night as ds is getting into a habit of comeing into our bed and disturbing us so I decided when dh came in from work at 1 this morning that I didn’t want to be disturbed again by having the wee man coming in at 3 or 4 in the morning. Got the best nights sleep in a long time but feel even more exhausted today 🙄 whats with that!!! So tired I could sleep for a week. Thanks God dh is here tomorrow so may get a couple of hours nap tomorrow before my nans party.


    hi found out today inara had to go up to crumlin for tests on herbowel, her feeds aren’t getting through and her bowels aren’t working at their best, going up to her tomorrow
    they said its nothing to worry about yet

    when i hear news i’ll post it

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