Smear tests – are you up to date???

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    Ehhh No………..Sorry!!!

    Just keep putting it off. Due AF this week.


    Oh, I got one of those letters last week – filed it away somewhere and forgot about it. I had a smear test after ds – he is 3 1/2 now. After dd, I was told that Idid not need one and that it was alright every 5 years now.

    There appears to be different opinions on how often they are required. Supposed I should bite the bullet and book mine. I assume 14 days after AF is fourteen days into your cycle? How does that work when you are on the pill?


    have to ask – what is AF???

    Just do it – I was told every 2-3 years and its free if you are over 25 so no need to put it off. Its not nice but at least its quick and once you get the all clear, then you don’t have to think about it for another 2 or 3 years!


    Af is Aunt Flo Sabbi..i.e a Period…

    Haven’t been doesn’t bother me ..I am just too lazy..will try and book this week


    lol was wondering what that was short for too, figures it was period but wasn’t sure… 😆 😆 😆 like it


    always wondered what it stood for myself!! this post has jst reminded me i need to book a smear myself was supposed to get one done after i had ds but left it too long and was pregnant then wit dd so must book soon

    do u have to get it done 2wks after af(!) ?? i’m still partly bf and have only had 1 period since i had dd an that was few wks ago so does anyone know when i should get smear??


    it’s between 10th and 14th day so the start of your period count down


    Well i had mine this morning 😀 a little over due but put it off out of laziness rather than fear…

    Have to say it was the EASIEST thing in the world , I aint joking it was done in under 20 seconds..couldn’t believe it, I was there waiting and she said its done 😆 😆 😆

    So any one putting it off…get booked its soooo quick and easy, I didn’t feel a thing honestly…

    The last time I had one they took a while to find my cervix so there was a lot of rummaging but think that was a one off..


    Just to re-start this thread…..

    My sister wasn’t due to have one done for another two years, but saw the ad for the free one & thought she might as well take advantage of it. Good job – basically her cervix was so inflamed that she cried all through it & when the results came back, she was one level off cancer. She was only 30.

    Can you imagine where she could have been in two years time?

    All seems fine now after treatment, but it might be a story worth remembering the next time you want to put it off!


    Booked in for Monday………………..Eeeeek!!


    Kind of like ripping off a plaster, not nice but not as bad as you think it will be. You’ll be in and out in 5 mins and then you won’t have to go again for a few years. Good luck. x


    I did not like it ONE BIT!!!!!!!!! Grossest thing I have ever done and Im still shuddering at the thoughts of it all…………….eulch!!!! Never again!


    Oh well, at least its over 😀 and not to be done again forabout 3-5 years. Good woman for doing it.


    Well done Yummy…..

    At least you have it over with for a while…

    Have to say I don’t mind it at all, I think it really depends on who does it though because some are better than others, I would recommend the Nurse in the Number 47 Fair Street Practice she was fab.

    Good on ya!


    The more relaxed you are the better, i got it done once and i was very very tense and ouch!!! So i never let myself get tense or worked up, just deep breaths and stay as calm as i can…. and its over in seconds

    Need to get the coil fitted, have perscription for the last 6 months, just cant get my head around it….. give me a smear anyday!!!!

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