Knee Injury….HSE incompetence….so fed up!!!

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    Oh I am so annoyed.

    I have been dealing with a knee injury for 13 months now. I fell of a ladder and landed on my left knee. (I feel so stupid about it, I know its my own stupid fault but it happened and I need to try to fix it!)

    I’ve been having physio and doing all the exercises she gives me to do each day but its still sore when I stand for a long time, walk far or kneel on it. I cannot really run or walk much and I try to do exercises that don’t put pressure on it. I have had an MRI scan and x-ray and they have shown some cartilage wear and damage but they say its not a huge issue and physio will hopefully fix it.

    After spending 4 hours today the hospital, they’ve said I need to have another 3 months of physio (when that’s clearly not working) and then they’ll see me again in August.

    Today I met a doctor I had not met before and had to explain the whole thing from the start. He is obviously not senior as he had to go off twice and ask the senior consultant for his advice and then came back to me with what he said.

    The worst thing – apart from the 4 hour wait and seeing a junior doctor who clearly is not very experienced – was that I could hear him chatting with the senior consultant in the next room and they were laughing and joking that they are not magicians and just to send me for more physio and see how it goes.

    It just makes me feel so insignificant. I know its not a huge deal, its just a pain in my knee (even though I have it every day) and I know there are people with far worse problems but a little bit of sensitivity and kindness would have been nice. Or even just professionalism and a want to actually get to the bottom of it. Not so just fob me off for another 3 months.

    I suppose I’m just frustrated that I am no closer to getting this sorted out.

    and exhale…..


    Sorry to hear that ypu’re not close to a solution and that you’re still in pain.
    ain is a very serious problem but is not treatedf in general.
    In France years ago, my mum was in constant pain, could not walk, did tests, they found out what was the issue, but did not want to operate as it was not major issue. She could not walk and was in constant pain, but they tried forso long with injections in her foot that like you did not solve the issue.
    They (doctors) did not beleive how much pain she was in, but in the end they did prescribed morphine patches, still they would not do the surgery because scars on foot do not heal well !!!!!!!!
    After nearly 2 years, she finally found a surgeon (actually an OBGYN yes you read right, the same you did the hysterectomie few years before on her) who agreed to operate on her foot. She had to stay of her foot for 4 weeks because healing not easy and have bath in salty water, but she was not able to walk anyway due to the pain, and 1 month and a bit after the surgery that she waited 2 years, no more pain, and could walk. But after spending 2 years avoiding walking, going back to it was difficult as she became unfit….
    So not only an Irish issue, but yes, if something is not working, physio in your case, you gave a real go at it, they should try something else.
    They can’t solve evreything and not on the first treatment but if one is obvviously not working try something else until a solution is reached.

    Best of luck,


    I’m afraid it’s not just French or English – we’re unfortunately dealing with a situation in England where someone has gone undiagnosed for a long time

    I agree Sabbi that the idea you could hear them discussing you and laughing in that manner is totally unprofessional and to be honest I’d have been very upset at the time but I would have reported it after.
    I had a incident years ago when I took DD1 to the doctor and saw the locum – he was foreign and he basically told me that if I refused to stay at home and mind my child and insist on putting her in a crèche she was going to be sick what did I expect him to do…….. I swear I was so upset – I was in tears whole way home – I rang the GP the next day and asked to speak to our doctor and pestered them until I got him and told him what had happened – he was so apologetic and I never saw the other guy again!


    I am beyond fed up. They just don’t seem to care at all.


    I just wrote a letter of complaint to HSE. Not sure if it will do any good but felt good to write it all out. sent to my local TD’s as well. can’t hurt at this stage!


    Good!!!!!!! we’ll be doing the same in England soon enough! 👿 👿


    Oh Dear God….I am about to lose the plot completely!!!!!!!

    I had a letter for an appointment for my knee in Navan hospital yesterday. I was supposed to be at a work event yesterday but I could not attend and I was also asked to do a radio interview yesterday afternoon and I turned that down too because I wanted to go to the appointment for my knee because I am in pain ALL the time.

    My husband was in Dublin, so I had to take our 3 daughters with me . It was raining too which made the long journey even less pleasant!!

    I got there, handed my letter to the receptionist and she told me that I did not actually have an appointment, it was a clerical error. She said I should have been told not to come that my next appointment is actually in October.

    I think steam actually came out of my ears….

    I am so angry. They are bunch of incompetent fools with no idea how to manage patient care. 👿 😈


    Oh Christ Sabbi, i can only imagine- how frustrating for you….stuff like this really aggravates me so much as i know you were waiting ages already for that and when you are working towards an appointment date thinking ill get some help by then, its so disappointing to be let down.


    I don’t know where to turn at this stage, I am beyond frustrated.

    I am still attending Navan hospital since last year with a knee injury. I feel off a ladder and damaged my knee and my kneecap does not sit properly into my knee since the accident. Its very sore, all the time.

    At A&E when it happened, they said I would need surgery to repair my cruciat ligament damage and they recommended I go private because the wait lists are so long for public. I looked into that but it costs around €5,700 so I had no choice but to stay public.

    I was referred to Navan public and they recommended physio and injections. I’ve had loads of physio but it did not help. I had a Suplasyn injection in July, which also did not help. Then, this week I had a steroid injection of Cortisone. When the doctor in Navan gave me the injection he had to pull my kneecap up to put it in and the pain was excruciating.

    I came home feeling ill after the injection. I didn’t sleep that night and the following day I was in agony and again, I did not sleep the following night.

    The next morning I had to go to a work event, I brought my crutch but could barely even manage to hobble around on that. It was so painful.

    I called Navan to ask if this was normal but I got an answer machine and no-one called me back. So then, I called my GP to see if he could take a look at it for me but he was booked out. So eventually, I went to Doc on call last night because I was in agony.

    The doc in call examined my knee and he said that its a disgrace I have not had surgery yet. He said he could see the swelling and uneven shape of it and that he thinks my cruciat ligament is damaged and that if I was a private patient, I would have been sorted within 18 days, never mind 18 months (which is how long I’ve been waiting)

    I am just at the end of my tether. I am fed up of being in pain. I cannot walk far, drive far, stand for a long time. I cannot dance, run or bend down without it causing me pain.

    I am looking into the National Treatment Purchase Fund to see if there is a way I can get them to put me on a list and help pay for surgery – has anyone had experience of this?

    any advice would be much appreciated.


    Awhh Sabbi, i dont have any advice but i just want to say you poor thing and i understand your frustration, i have had my own problems with appointments for Hailey it really is a shit system.i hope someone helps you soon x


    Hi Sabbi,

    I was just reading this and about to suggest the National Treatment Purchase Plan. Once you are on the list beyond a certain amount of time, I think it varies per hospital, you can get onto this. I know of two people who availed of this and were seen to very quickly.

    It would definitely be worth looking into.


    I just need to get on the flipping list!!! For 18 months they’ve been saying surgery is a possiblity but they’ve not put me on a list per se.

    I have had physio, had my knee tapes twice, had suplasyn injection and steriod injection and nothing has helped at all. I can seriously not drive for long, walk far, stand for long and even going to sleep is awkward because if I touch off anything it hurts.

    I sleep with it on a pillow and I have to face away from my hubby incase he touches of it.

    some nights, I roll over in my sleep and brush my knee against my hubby and it wakes me up.

    Last weekend I was changing the sheets on my bed and I forgot about my knee for a moment and I leaned onto the bed to tuck the fitted sheet on and I put my weight on my knee. Even though it was on a soft mattress, the pain of it was horrid. I was actually almost in tears from it

    This can’t be normal can it? 🙁 🙁


    Btw, sorry for being a completely moany cow. I am sick of talking about it, moaning about it but I just don’t know what to do at this stage. 😥


    oh sabbi i feel for you – sounds painful and very frustrating it’s going on soo long

    really hope you get sorted soon


    I got a call from HSE yesterday asking could I come to Navan today for a ‘second opinion’ and also, tomorrow, for a ‘third opinion’!!

    So I went this morning – my hubby came with me and the doctor apologized for the whole sorry mess and thoroughly examined my knee. He said I do need surgery and he is going to recommend this to his colleague and hopefully they can get me booked in soon.

    His colleague is off this week but when he comes back next week, there will be a letter waiting for him recommending booking me in and I hope it will be soon!!

    He also said I do not need to come over tomorrow, because they now have a plan in place.

    So after all the pain and frustration it finally looks like they are going to do what the A&E doctors recommended 17 months ago and do the scope and flush it out during surgery.

    Fingers crossed its very soon so I can get back to myself and get back our walking and lose the stone I’ve put on in the past year!

    Thanks for all the support gals – I know I am being a complete pain in the bum with all my moaning but sometimes I just need to rant a bit.

    I’ll keep ye posted about when I get the appointment…..please let it be soon!!!!!

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