January/ February Mums to be!!

Home Forums Pregnancy, Mums2Be, Birth, New Parents January/ February Mums to be!!

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  • #118046

    Hi Guys,

    Hope you don’t mind if I join the group, I’m due the end of January. Starting to get nervous / excited now….. Glad Christmas is in the middle to keep my mind preoccupied…

    Looking forward to getting to know you’s xx


    Welcome Beezers!!!!

    Maria yeah defo gonna give it a miss…probably a big mistake 😆 😆


    Welcome Beezers!
    I’m due end of Jan too – am 29 weeks today! Can’t wait to get to 30 weeks as that’s when the count down goes into single figures.
    I booked in to do a 4 night ante-natal course when I was pregnant on my first. Went along on the first night, room was way too hot and stuffy and packed full of us pregnant ladies and partners and I fainted right down on to the floor 20 minutes in 😳 Ended up outside the room with the nurse holding my legs in the air :).
    Myself and hubby didn’t go back so I never actually did a course at all. In fairness, the advice in the first 20 minutes was not to let Baby fall asleep for the night with a bottle of 7Up or Coke in its mouth as 12 hours (yeah right) of sucking fizzy minerals may cause tooth decay, and how to place Baby into a cot without smothering it with blankets. The course might have gotten better over the following weeks but we took our chances.
    Hi to all the other Jan/Feb Mammies-to-be. Hope everyone’s feeling good and still enjoying having a bit of energy. I’m trying to get as organised as possible for Christmas – the plan is to avoid the shops if all possible from 1st week of December.


    Hi Guys,

    Hope your all keeping well.

    I had a check up on Monday and the doctor told me that she’ll probably induce me 2 or 3 weeks early, either the 1st or 2nd week in January, omg that’s only a few weeks away, its getting very real now!!

    Louthmam, that sounds so funny what happened at your antinatal class, although I’m sure at the time it wasn’t funny!!


    How is every one keeping?

    I am 30 weeks today and like a demon, have finally given in to the hormones and released my inner excorcist 😆 😆 , I swear even my eyes have turned orange 😆 😆

    Uncomfortable sitting, standing, walking, sleeping.

    Everything is sore, and gross….it was never like this on dd1.

    On the plus side my appetite is quite surpressed I am eating "normally "for once in my life as opposed to stuffing my face..so once baby is out I will be a size zero 😆 😆 😆 😆

    I defo didn’t put any weight on yet else where other than my bump..well so far, I guess there is a way to go yet.

    Gone mad for making soups at the moment just had roasted butternut squash soup for lunch..good way for me to get veggies as we wouldnt eat loads of the meat and 2 veg type of meals IYKWIM.

    Still don’t get get massive amount of movement, but all seems grand at the check ups, maybe it was the same on dd1 i can’t remember..maybe the massive kicks and feet sticking out were all happening much later on…all I seem to feel is shunting around kind of feeling.

    Have to say I am a million times more nervous this time round…haven’t even thought about the birth yet..on dd1 i was very blase and used only gas and air even when faced with episiotomies and hoovers!!! This time I am more wary…but will feel a failure if I need loads of pain relief as I went around last time feeling invincible 🙁


    Hi all,

    HMM, I m right with you regarding being uncomfortable. Its a pain in the bum (literally sometimes) 😆 😆

    27 weeks today so at least the weeks are flying by for me but I really need to start getting organised and sorting out stuff. Starting to feel like I have lost control over everything already and getting worried that we wont be ready when the baby arrives. Going to write loads of lists over the next few days and then work my way through them and hopefully that will help me.

    HMM, I was really nervous about giving birth to ds2 as I knew what to expect but it was grand in the end. I reckon you ll be fine when the time comes its only natural to be wary and sure if you need extra pain relief to get through it then just take it, its not a sign of failure.

    I know I am stressing about breastfeeding as I really struggled the last time and really want it to work out this time so I guess we all have our own stresses and worries in pregnancy.

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