In trouble with work, because baby keeps being sick, HELP!

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    Yes a childminder will take a child a little bit sick when creches won’t, but the childminder will have some holidays and won’t be available.
    And at the end of the day, you’re the mum and you know best your choice of childcare is yours and should not be made by your boss.
    Hope the situation will improve and settle.

    Best of luck.


    Ask for an itinerary of the meeting in advance and tell them you will have representation with you at it. You are entitled to have a fellow employee, who you trust, in there with you.

    Your boss has no right to tell you what kind of childcare to get for your child…..Having said that, having a childminder might be a better solution for you if your LO is unwell a bit as it would mean you could get to work easier and you would not be rushing to the creche every time there is a temperature hike. Where a creche would have to send the child home, a childminder would be able to look after the child at home and only if they are really sick, would you have to come home.

    You can get a list if qualified childminders at from your local childcare committee for the county you live in. With the current economic climate, you might be able to get someone very well qualified for a good price.

    My friends have an au pair as they both work outside the home. The au pair brings the child to playschool and collects him each day and if he is sick, she minds him while the mum & dad are at work. There have been a few times when the mum or dad has stayed home with the child when he has been sick but having the au pair has been great for them and offers flexibility if they are running late home etc.

    It might be worth looking into – it could be easier for you all?

    Hope you are not too worried, hopefully things will work out ok for you.

    Let us know how you get on.


    I was thinking about an au-pair too. At the moment we don’t have the space for another person, but it would be something for the future. That way I could get someone from my home country, which would help with teaching my son the language.
    Only problem is, my boyfriend doesn’t want to live with a stranger 😉 . It’s something we’ll discuss once we have more room.

    Basically what they (work) said today, is that we’ll need to look into changing childcare if he gets sick again in the next few weeks.


    I don’t think your work has the right to say that to you about changing your childcare but it does sound like it might be a better option for you.

    which county are you in? the local childcare committees are very helpful and may be able to help you find a childminder in your area who is around the same price as the creche

    good luck with everything


    We are in Louth. At the moment I just hope he wont pick up another virus for a while (I have no energy left for another one!).


    Try Louth County Childcare,

    They are lovely in there and very helpful. They can give you some advice about childcare and costs and different options. There might be a better option for you than your current set up.

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