How MuchExcercise needed to lose Weight?

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    mammycool i did do as caligal suggested with alot of the halloween stuff – such a waste i know but alot of it i would never give the kids.

    Re the christmas bags Caligal you don’t know my dd1 – she knows exactlly whats in her bag 😆 😆 because these bags are there they are not getting other sweets etc when out, if they have something outta the bags there’s no biscuits etc……. i do allow them goodies IF they’ve eaten well – everything in moderation type of thing BUT much to DD1’s dismay is she doesn’t eat her meals no sweets and we’ve stuck to that.


    I hate when one eats and the other doesnt and one gets a treat, it breaks my heart… but the rule is eat up and get a treat


    Caligal, your points are spot on and make perfect sense!

    I’ve always said that the basic, common sense approach is the most effective and easiest to maintain. Quite simply, upping the activity levels while cutting down on the crap eating, can be a subtle lifestyle change that brings great results and is easier to keep going. Instead of the concept of "being on a diet", slight tweaks to eating and exercise are much easier to maintain!

    Maybe some evening, we could get a few interested people to do 1/2 hour skating in funtasia followed by a chat about healthy eating tips over a coffee 😉

    Most evenings at 8pm the skate rink is empty!


    Hawkeye, do you sell good insurance that will cover broken bones and heart attack from the scare of roller skating? 😆 😆
    Not sure me holding tight the side and not moving from my spot will do any good to my exercice levels 😆 😆

    But if you organise a cycling trip, count me in.



    Poor Maria and myself had terrible falls up there the last time, i had an ice pack on my bump and a HUGE bruse that i had for about 5 weeks 😆 😆 😆
    NEVER AGAIN…. But it was a regular thursday night meet up for the mumstowners


    Fabienne, no problem covering the heart attack part! 😆 😆

    Even holding on to the barrier and moving slowly is good exercise though 😉 Or you could park the car at tesco and walk up from there 😆

    Taylor, we can probably get you stabilisers 😆

    And at the very least, we’d get to share healthy eating and exercise tips! 😉


    We used to do this every Monday night in Funtasia and they gave us a special rate of 5 euro for Mumstown members, will see if they can do that again. its great craic and you get 45 mins on the rink with music, so a great way to burn cals.


    That would be great Sabbi! Let us know and we can revive it 😉

    Even getting out for an hour or so instead of looking at TV is worthwhile, as well as the motivational aspect of talking to a few people who are also trying to exercise a bit more and eat a bit healthier.


    Re: Recommended exercise daily. The length has been increased again to reflect how inactive society has become – best practice is now 90 minutes a day, but this can be broken into 15 minute sections. (That’s according to my last in-service course….)

    I’m working on it, but am no where close – although luckily weight is not an issue for me.


    Thats ridiculous! I barely even have time to take a shower some days!!!


    Can be done – but agree. As working mum with little kids & himself out of the country it is a serious challenge. Was seriously shocked when heard it first

    The problem is we’re eating more – and it is more high-calorie stuff & technology etc means we’re exercising less (generally). As a society we have to compensate for this. The recommendation is NOT an hour and a half every day in the gym.

    In an ideal world, we’d walk the kids to and from school (for example 15 min each way). That’s an hour. Then go for a brisk half hour walk in the evening.

    Or to the shop with the buggy etc…. Or to visit a friend….

    Or do a bit less weekdays and make up for the missing bit at the weekend

    My aim is that by the end of the year I’ll be doing it!!


    Thats ridiculous! I barely even have time to take a shower some days!!!

    I hear you girl… 90 mins, not a chance, well i would if hovering the house and running around tesco as part of a work out 😆 😆 😆


    90mins no way – i thought i was doing really well with my 30mins a day! 🙄 i’d be seriously hard pushed to find 90mins – its not just the exercise time it’s the getting ready, showering etc after


    Those trips do count Taylor but I think 90 mins is way outta my league with three kiddos and hubby travelling overseas 30% of the time 😯

    I think you absolutely have to have some major backup help to knock that amount of exercise out!


    hello guys, I am back, in my previous post I had mentioned my exercise schedule. But now I had made some minor changes in my schedule and that I want to share with you and please give me suggestion …
    1. In morning I run for 2km and then I do some basic yoga exercise
    2. Then I do 3 sets of push ups and pull ups
    3. Evening I go to gym……….

    fitness miami

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