Elective C-section at OLOL

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    I’ve just found out that LO is breech. Doctor said that whilst it possible for her to flip round, it’s unlikely (am 37 weeks), so i am booked for an elective C section.
    Has anyone had one and could you tell me what to expect?
    Can my partner still be at birth or will he have to wait outside?
    What to expect recovery wise?
    Any info gratefully accepted, I think i was just in shock to actually ask any questions.


    I had my last 2 kids in the Lourdes 10 and 8 years ago (so things could have changed a bit) and it was elective C-section.
    Dad was in the theater, mum’s head side and blind under my breast separating the surgery side of things.
    It was a partial anestetic, so awake but no pain.
    Dad was called over and go with the baby, then he had a choice either to stay with me while they were closing me up, or go with the baby and midwife. I asked him to go withthe baby, then they did gfew things without him around not not much, then he was able to see me again in recovery room when the brought the baby to me.
    So no-one sees the surgery part neither me or dad, but in the theater when it happens (he was just brought in after the prepared me (like drip and all sorts of minor pokes).
    Time in theater is quite short 1 hour give or take.

    For me they give you morphin for the pain in theater it makes me really sick but so efficient NO PAIN.

    After it’s few days with painkillers, but it you follow the rules (no lifting weight but your baby and nothing else) and keepping wound clean and dry then no problem at all.
    An advice a midwife gave me, as I have a huge belly, is when lying on my back to sleep or rest, try to hold belly excess out of the wound so it can dry nicely, but it’s 30 min twice a day and belly on it the rest of the time and no issues.
    And they push on your belly to push baby out, and stiching, sensations that I did enjoy. The stiching bit is very strange you can feel but no pain.

    Don’t worry you’ll be fine and keep in mind it’s just few hours then you’ll be with your baby and that’s the only thing that matters.

    Let us know how you get on in few weeks.


    l was told the same thing at 37 weeks but at the 38 week scan, my baby had turned and we were all back on track!

    fingers crossed for you…..

    Only me

    I had 2 elective and an emergency section. Depending on the hospital they will either bring you in the night before or the morning of your op. They come and get you and bring you down to theatre (hubby in tow) and while hubby gets all gowned up they bring you into the room and will give you an epidural. You will feel a bit of tugging (weird sensation but doesn’t hurt) as they are trying to get baby out. They will drop the curtain to show you baby beforethey take baby over to the baby doctors to get checked out. This is perfectly normal so try not freak out when they do it. Baby will get cleaned up and wrapped before being handed to daddy for a cuddle. You unfortunately will have to make do with giving Bab kisses on the face until you are out of theatre. After a couple of minutes daddy and baby will head off to recovery while the doctors finish off with you and then when you get to recovery you will get loads of cuddles and skin to skin. If your breastfeeding it will take 12 hrs longer for your milk to come in than if you had a natural birth.
    Recovery wise remember you have just had major abdominal surgery so take it easy. No driving for 6wks, no lifting anything heavier than baby for 6wks, they have started putting sterile plasters over the wounds now so it should be pretty much closed up and healed (on the outside) by the time you leave hospital. It is a 5day stay so try enjoy the one on one time with baby and rest up as much as possible. You shouldn’t do any stomach exercises for at least 6mths after as you can do yourself damage. Don’t be a matter either! So if you are in pain take some painkillers. After about a week or so you wont be tender and in need of them anymore.

    My last 2 babies changed from breach at 37wks and 38wks respectively so there is hope yet. Getting on your hands and knees can help. Good luck!

    Midwife Dan


    Elective caesareans are much less traumatic than emergency caesareans. However, have you spoken to your doctor about the possibility of external cephalic version (ECV)? It is where the doctor will physically change the position of the baby so s/he is head down in your pelvis.
    The position of the baby can still change right up to the beginning of labour. Some practitioners are skilled in breech birth and feel it is just a variation of normal birth.

    All the Best,


    ive had 2 elective sections in olol. hubby can be with you for all except when they are putting the spinal anaesthetic in but once that’s done he can be there. you will have a sensation of tugging when they are taking baby out but that’s all you willfeel also they will put a catheter tube in to bladder and you will have this til the next day. its a bit uncomfortable but ok. when baby is delivered you will get a cuddle of baby then your hubby will take baby with a midwife back to the ward. you will be stitched up and and moved to recovery room for approx. an hour then wheeled back to the ward. if you are breast feeding the midwife will assist you to feed baby straight away. you will be sore so please ask for painkillers. I got severe shoulder pain after my second which is normal its just after the surgery and will eventually go. when you go home take it as easy as you can. remember your not insured to drive for 6 weeks post surgery which is a pain but just get everyone to come to you. with your wound its very important to keep it clean and dry for optimum healing. you wont have any stitches to be removed as the use desolvable and glue. best of luck with it all and hope you have a speedy recovery.


    Thank you for all your replies, they have been very helpful.
    They did tell me about manually manipulating baby round but due to my history, they advised against it as it is too risky.
    I am slowly getting my head around things (no doubt i’ll be all prepared for a C section and this LO will flip round. She has done nothing to plan so far 🙄 )
    Should I do anything now that will be useful later (I’m thinking freezing meals, that sort of thing)? Do i need any special toiletries (like shower gel that won’t irritate wound)?

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