Contraception: Mirena Coil

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    my friend had the same think her mirena fell out! she didnt notice at all, the doctor did a ultrasound and it was gone, she got a new one in last month.. They say your not to use tampons if you have the mirena fitted


    yeah heard that alright Taylor

    I know it works for plenty of women out there but just not my cup of tea. Friend of mine is getting a coil inserted this week – she’s been advised to by her consultant to try and ease her really heavy periods – really hope it helps her


    I’m getting this done in next couple of weeks, my ob-gyn is going to insert it under local anasthetic- I’m not really sure why as my baby no. 3 was over 11lbs 😆


    I’m getting this done in next couple of weeks, my ob-gyn is going to insert it under local anasthetic- I’m not really sure why as my baby no. 3 was over 11lbs 😆

    Ouch! Alot of places use a local anasthetic, they make this choice based on the shape of the neck of the womb

    I price about for fitting it went from 205e to the cheapest at 100e, i was shocked at the difference in price


    Got it out in hospital in august. Took 5 minutes no pain. choose not to have another one inserted. But was fine while i had it.


    uh oh….I forgot to ask the cost- I’m hoping it’ll be covered by medical insurance 😕 they won’t cover dh to have the snip as it’s a voluntary procedure 🙄


    Fabienne, they had no trouble locating it then?

    I’ve being unfortunate in that it definitely moved last year, I know as the string was on the outside… got checked and it had gone and she couldn’t find it, so went for a scan to the VHI clinic in Swords, where they done an internal scan and located it.

    I’ve not had a period in two years either with it, a great advantage!

    Got a call from the Hermitage this morning and I have an appointment on the 25th October where he will try and remove it and if he can’t locate it, I’ll be put asleep.

    I think its quite common for them to ‘fall’ out.. my cousin also got pregnant when she assumed the coil was in place!

    Twink, not sure if its covered by medical insurance, give them a quick call and they can advise you.. maybe your doctor will say its medically necessary to have it done that way.


    mm yes def check with your insurance – my friend is getting hers today but she’s also getting a hysteroscopy & a D&C, as the dr is fitting the coil at same time her insurance will cover it – i’m nearly 100% sure she said it wouldn’t be covered otherwise


    So I am heading up to the Hermitage on Thursday to hopefully get the coil taken out..

    Bit nervous about it all, but fingers crossed he can locate it, if not I’ll be put out for it.


    best of luck tomorrow Yvonne


    Thanks Munchin!

    Hopefully he will find it, gonna cost €200 tomorrow!


    Delighted to report that he found it and its now gone!

    After over an hour wait… grrrr it was because of a crash on the M50 which caused a few of us to be late!

    He was a lovely man, very calming and reassuring. It was a little uncomfortable and felt a bit woozy afterwards, just so glad he got it!


    glad it’s all sorted now Yvonne – even if it cost 200 😯

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