Breastfed Baby Not Putting On Enough Weight

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    This too WILL pass – I know. I just have to breathe a bit more slowly. Everything on this thread is about inconveniences – not problems. The baby is healthy & in the long-run that is the main thing.

    And LouthMam, better than chocolate, my mammy & daddy arrived from Mayo this evening to help their little girl (aged nearly 40!) who is all alone & sick & stressed…..

    Mammies can be great – regardless of how they feed their babies…..


    That’s great – you can’t beat having Mammy there – no matter how old we get! I know my own Mam was a legend when my DS was born – I hadn’t realised how great the change would be from 1 baby to 2.
    And yes, your little fella is healthy and well and that’s all that matters at the end of the day.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


    I’m feeling a bit ’emotional’, reckon having a surge of pregnancy hormones today, would love to get my hands on that GP for a few mins. 😈 😈

    What is wrong with the medical profession in this country??? They are supposed to HELP us not tut-tutat us. Hearing this drives me insane.

    Go elsewhere Pookie, you need support, understanding and empathy. Not a doctor with no moral compass and a total lack of cop on.

    If you feel up to it, come along Thursday to Marshes, I’ll give you a big hug (and if you like, also show you how to throw a punch.)

    Try not to worry, you are doing so well. x


    the bloody check of that gp pookie – if not usual GP i would be making a point of complaining to your normal doctor. I remember when dd1 was about 13months i took her to gp about a cough – she never got sick when she first went to chreche but did from time she was about 9-14months and this locum bascially told me "if i didn’t take her out of chreche she’d be constantly sick and isn’t it terrible that mothers put their children in creches his wife stays at home with his children" like you i cried the whole way home felt like an awful mother – dh nearly went down immediately BUT i rang and insisted on speaking to my own gp and told him what had happened and the locum didn’t last long!


    quick one. Dh home after 80 days away!!!! Will try to be there thurs. we ok


    brilliant news pookie


    Hi Pookie

    Just to say keep going you are doing a great job, and don’t be listening to those stupid pn/ gp’s you know your baby and if he is happy and healthy.

    You are giving your baby the very best start in life with benefits to him that will last a life time.

    Keep in touch with a good support group and ring the La leche League if you are having a wobbly moment..they were great when I was bf .

    You do have enough milk and there are enough calories in it your body and nature x


    12 oz (200+g) on this week. PHN weighed himon two different scales as she couldn’t believe her eyes! 😮

    Ata boy!

    Failure to thrive my eye!
    Still only 10lb 6oz, but getting there!

    On abour 200g formula a day top up after feeds (incl a bit in baby rice). Will try to reduce once weight gain established for another week or so.

    Happy days!! 😀


    YAY what a reunion Pookie!!!


    All is working well.
    Dh back after a long time, baby getting there, your mum with you.
    We’re all the same, we need our mums 😆 😆

    Just have to avoid annoying gp. What will he do if he was a mum?


    Great news Pookie!


    And another few 7 ozs today…. (and only six days since last weigh in)…. 😀 😀



    Light at the end of the tunnel

    5 months now and over a stone in weight 😀 . Still b-feeding, but he’s on solids at this stage as well so, some of the pressure is off. He’s no heavyweight, but he’s chubbying up nicely…

    At least, he’ll drink from a bottle now, so something good came from it. He’d have to get used to it when I go backto work… He usually gets offered a carton (200ml) of Aptilil as well, but sometimes he’s just not interested.


    Pookie, that’s great. Sure you only have to look at him to know he is thriving, you can see it in him, he is alert and happy and looks healthy. WELL DONE YOU!!!

    I could throttle PHN’s and GP’s the way they go on about these things. Its one part of breastfeeding I don’t look forward to; if the baby does gain as much as a bottle fed baby you can be made feel like a neglectful mother. I’ll be ready for them if they start that nonsense with me on this baba…..

    Thrilled for you Pookie, that you can see the results of all your efforts and hard work come to fruition. 😉


    I used to say all the weight and goodness goes in to their brain and not their backside!!
    Not as many empty calories in b milk every thing is used up and not left to fatten up… My dh used to reckon non bf babies were a funny colour lol lol . Please don’t take offence if u bottle feed it is light hearted comment!
    I really would worry bf wouldn’t work for me again as I would think that it wasn’t getting as good a start..
    Can’t remember stopping bf it just happened gradually I know she was over 3 though and only bf morning and night in the last year..
    I swear to god it made her the strong child she is, touch wood never to have seen a doctor for anti biotics in 8 years is good going in any ones book and I would put it all down to diet and bf ( especially extended bf, if you can continue in any capacity further)

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