Advice on starting a 10 week old on a spoon feed??

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    My 10 week old was sleeping 8-9 hours at night, she got her jabs last week & is now waking up at 4 in the night to be fed. She is chewing & sucking her hands, she was taking 5 bottles of 6oz formula & is now taking 6-7 bottles of 7oz. She was over 8lb when born. What I am looking to know is should I star her on a spoon feeds??


    Babys bowels are not fully developed til about 4 months so i wouldnt start any spoon feed til then. could cause problema like cramping & constipation 🙁


    I wouldn’t do it either. A baby is not ready for solid food until 5-6 months.

    It is normal for a 10 week old to wake during the night. A full night sleep for a baby is 5 hours – after that they are used to waking up for a feed. That is how they are supposed to be so there is nothing out of the ordinary about baby waking up during the night hungry – this is perfectly alright and nothing to worry about.

    Its to early for solid foods and could have negative effect on the digestive system. I would suggest sticking with bottles until babs is 5-6 months old.

    I know its hard getting up during the night but remember that with small babies, waking up is only a phase and it will be over before you know it and then you’ll be back to getting your full nights sleep again. I don’t think solid food is the answer on this one.

    HTH 😀


    No. Def not. Aim for six months. but def not before 4. Tummies not ready…


    What size is baba now? My dd was 9lb 7oz when she was born and sleeping through the night by 2 months. On the day she was born the nurse told me to ignore the 40ml and try and get as much as she would take into her and that she would sleep and to let her sleep. Bigger babies can sleep through provided they are getting what they need during the day.

    She could take a good 9oz bottle when she was sleeping the night. Base the size of bottle on her weight and not her age. I think they used to have both measurements on the formula.

    Sounds like baba is having a growth spurt and needs more food alright but I would try hold out until 4 months on solids.


    She could also be waking because she is teething and very hot in this weather!!


    Deffo up her oz and hold off till 4 mths. My little boy was a savage and I made it to 16 weeks he nearly took the hand off me still does and he is 11 months now

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