Easy Birthday Cake!

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Easy cake recipie – just remember the number 4!

4 oz self raising flour
4 oz soft butter or margarine
4 oz castor sugar
2/3 eggs whisked

Preheat oven to about 180 degrees.

Blend the sugar with the margarine, then blend in the eggs, when thats nice and creamy slowly add the flour to the mix.

Divide the mix into two cake tins, or you could make buns instead! Bake for about 25 mins – stick a dry nife in, if it comes out with no goo on it the cake is done!

Cool the cake completely and fill with cream and jam…yummy!

Dust with icing sugar, or you could make up some icing as per the instructions on a bag of icing sugar, add a drop of food colouring if you like, litterally pour it over the top of the cake and decorate with chocolate buttons, smarties, whatever! Dont forget your candles!