maria pixie

  • Thank you, I think your right let him be,
    My biggest fear is that he wont be there for me.
    He is a good guy, he admitted he is really scared about the whole thing! He wont tell his family tho. (yet)
    My first scan is next week, 2 days after Christmas so it is like present , 😛 🙂 half nervous, have excited, wish me luck! 😀

  • Thank you for you kind words! 😀 🙂 ,
    I am 11 weeks, so the nausea is dying down, wreaked tired though which is hard at work, I haven’t told work Im pregnant yet, only close friends and family.
    I am really scared and very excited as this is so new! 🙂
    My partner is slowly coming around to the idea this is actually happening.
    My partner was…[Read more]

  • thank you very much! 😀
    i feel more nausea than sickness and im exhausted all the time!
    i’ll look that up thank you! 🙂