Which Pram???

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    Oh I checked out the midwife night in mother care in Drogheda, the next one is in early march. You get either 10 or 20% off you purchases and the information they give is great, they do demos on carseats, buggies, breastpads etc….
    Would highly recommed it


    Taylor, you must be psychic I was just looking at list of things needed to bring into hospital and it said baby oil and I was wondering whats the best oil to get, thanks for that and I will go to Mothercare night, if I was to but pram there for example I could make pretty good savings with the discount.


    Hi gang
    I bought the Mammas and pappas one in Smyths for €159.99 its a travel system and i love it. Its grey and silver very snazzy! I just would not spend €700 on a buggy NO WAY! I would rather go on Holidays for a week! My single seater in my sittingroom didnt even cost €700!! nd we sit in that for years, not like prams/buggys which are only used for a year or two.
    Anyway everyone to their own. Ive bought white babygrows, vests bibs etc from Dunnes for the first few days babs is born. I just dont want to waste money on clothes that wont get worn, on DD i bought pink/blue outfits and had to bring them all back because they didnt fit, wrong colour etc etc. I got tonnes of pressy’s and she was practically dressed for a year then anyway! Im going to wait this time round and get more clothes etc if i need them after the babys born i will go on a little shopping trip ALONE and get them then if i need to.
    I got blankets and cot sheets for the hospital cot in pennies as i can throw them away then. I think the hospitals are filthy and im just gonna throw most of themthings away like slippers and cot sheets/blanket etc or donate them to the hospital. Ive fresh ones for at home. Im a clean freak so i can imagine their faces when i get the bacteria wipes out to wipe over everything first!! 😆 😆 😆
    Im 33 weeks now cant wait! Im really thinking im going to go early! Im getting really strong braxton hicks, and pressure pains already! 🙄 Moan Moan!! Best of luck with the pregnancies girls most of us are due around the same time the race is on! Anyone else feel they are going to go early??


    What did you buy in Smyths, and by the way where is Smyths, I know the hospitals are not the cleanest, the toilets on the wards in OLOL are gross. But I was in Beaumont Hospital the other day and a cleaner came around and started to clean the Fire extinguishers, she had them polished ❓ but she ignored the door handles and all other places where germs are actually spread from, could not understand this.

    Besides that, I think I will go early too, but I am at 32 weeks so you have a head start on me on reaching the finish line, but the race is on!


    smyths is beside mothercare in drogheda


    Hey Missy

    Mothercare, Kealys and Casa Caterina are a few stckists for P&T. I am sure there are plenty in the North as well. It Enjoy your shopping.

    Just a buy afew bits of clothing. LOL We bought white and when in Canada yellow and green. But when dd arrived I had to have something pink! Her wardrobe was sorted up to 2 yrs with gifts. Most people did the season math thankfully 😉

    Enjoy your last few weeks!!! 😀 😀


    How did I not see Smyths when I went to Mothercare ?? My brain is like jelly, I will go to those stockists of P&T, if its suitable I will just have to get it, as I live a bit out of Balbriggan town and when I begin commuting to work again, it means walking on bad paths and onto public transport so will pay whatever is required that suits all these requirments. And am thinking about having a second child soon enough so I know the P&T will adapt (somebody should knock me out when I think about having a second child )

    Thanks again.


    hi all, i didn’t even know there was a Mothercare in Drogheda! Ya say its beside Smyths,i never noticed,will definitely keep my eye out for it.

    Happymammy I’m 33 weeks as well, and babs is so so acitve,has been like that for at least 2 months now,so i’m hoping i will go early or at least on time!!! So the race is on………


    hi whats your due date? mothercare has the early learning centre in with it. i am due 14 may and am having a section on either the 2 or 9 of may 🙄



    How do you feel about having a section, for the moment I have option of either natural birth or section but I want to be on my feet after the birth and section will hinder that.


    Missymay dont worry about a section. I DID NOT want one, but in the end needed one. I did cry when told I’d need one and was left for an hour (as I begged them to give me more time, but ds wasnt coming out) but in the end as long as ds was healthy.

    You dont be "off your feet" like your lead to believe, after about a week you start to feel normal again. If I had to choose again I think I’d choose a section, and thats after having one so they arent that bad…..


    Hi Noleen W, i’m due 13th April! Is Mothercare new or am i that unobservant?


    I too had a section Missymay and as Taylor said it really isn’t as bad as it is painted. Yes, there are risks, it is major surgery after all but then so is getting your appendix out. 😕 😕 And as along as you are not allergic to any of the pain meds you will be home and dry 😀
    Have to say if i go again and am told i have to have a section i would be fine with it…………….The only thing i found a bit of a pain was the not being able to drive for 6 weeks. 🙄 I was ready to drive alot earlier and felt fine but they say 6 weeks for a reason ( not sure what it is ❓ ) so i just had to hold out. It was a pain for me because I don’t have any immediate family close by and felt a bit tied to the house during the week.
    Best of luck with the remainder of the pregancy and beyond 😀 😀


    Wonderwoman where have you been that you didnt notice Mothercare ❓ 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
    No its not here that long, I think December…. its over beside smyths, I think its next door to tullys but not 100%


    I know it sounds silly, but I did want to experience a natural childbirth and I felt cheated in some mad way having a section , I dont understand why really, I did hear that people are not as immobile after a section, but I sooo want to have no constraints, when my SPD was really bad and I literally could not move I got no help whatsoever except from my partner, it made me realise that I need to be able to fend for myself when baby is born, but at the end of the day I will do whatever is safest.

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