Waiting times for pregnancy appts.

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    Hi all,

    Especially mums to be….

    I heard today from someone at the Patients Together group that waiting times for first booking appointments for some pregnant mums are up to their 7th month.

    This is madness. Although most pregnancies need very little monitoring, some do need special attention but how can this be noted if the woman is not seen until her 7th month.

    What kind of waiting times are the mums to be on here experiencing?

    Is there anything we can do to raise awareness of this issue? I could try to get some publicity about it in the national papers if someone is willing to share their experience….

    Thanks – please PM me or reply here


    that very long ,when i was pregnancy with my ds, on my 16 week visit i was told i had a low placenta.so i had to get regular scans,it can be very dangerous with placenta abrupion if it stays low .so if you wait for 7 months it can be to late .lucky for us my turned out ok and iv a lovely lil boy .


    Sabbi that wasnt Drogheda it was the national maternity hospital in this case and she would be 7.5 months at her booking appointment!!! In fairness to the hospital they did say the woman was over 3.5 months pregnant before she rang for an appointment
    I think the hospital wanted to hightlight this as a warning to other pregnant woman to ring asap for appointment as they are running at max with a birth boom!
    In Drogheda I think I was 14 weeks on ds1 and I think I was 11 or 12 weeks on ds2 (seen early due to previous mmc)


    Hi Sabbi,

    20 weeks seems to be about average for first hospital visit – on my 1st it was 20 weeks in OLOL and now 20 weeks again for the Rotunda.


    I was booked in at 9 weeks with DS (around June 07) but 16 weeks for this current pregnancy. Admittedly I was under consultant care and they were very hands-on first time, but when they booked me in 2nd time she said it was later because they were just so busy and I was lucky to have the appt then.

    I’m under consultant again this time but have had a total of two appointments by 26 weeks (including booking appt) and not met my consultant. Due back at OLOL at 32 weeks.

    Can’t say I’m too disappointed as enjoying not being prodded and poked so much this time round but wonder if the lack of appts is because it’s my 2nd pregnancy and the first went so well in the end, or if it’s because of them being so busy etc??


    I got my first appointment at 6 weeks cos of previous loss and then got my Big one at 14 weeks. iv been back every 4 weeks since then and now down to once a week. So it is good for me,

    I did hear that routunda are turning people away cos of overcrowding . and there is meant to be a baby boom on so not surprised if it is,


    Oh Rossy must be on the final count down for you…. do you have all your stuff ie crib etc… Im going to off loading a load of stuff soon, just want to see what I have and how much I want etc


    Yep, it was a hospital in Dublin but the problem spreads further than Dublin…

    When I had my 1st booking appt on my third baby in OLOL I had to wait until Iwas almost 5 months, even thouhgj I called to make the appt when I was only 5 weeks pg. Whyen I finally got my appt and was weight, they said I was too fat to apply for the MLU!!! Of course I was too big, I was 5 months pregnant…..

    Even though I had been through a mc before, it did not make any difference in getting my appt. quicker.

    There should be a maternity hospital in the Swords area to cater for women in North Dublin. There was talk of one being opened but doubt it will happen now with HSE cutbacks….

    Homebirth is looking more and more like a good option for healthy women – at least there is no waiting around!! Your midwife comes to you. If I go again, it will be a home birth for me.


    ye i think it all depends on when you ring up for appointment. When you ring they obviously add a certain amount of weeks on from the day you called regardless of how far you are gone. I am going Rotunda and got one for 19 weeks because i rang as soon as i found out.


    You cant just ring and book appointment now… you could on my 3 pregnancies but now you have to have a booking letter from you gp

    I always found the lourdes great but with all the cut backs wouldnt like to be dealing with them now..

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