Vending machines in schools, good or bad??

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    Should vending machines really be allowed in schools?

    The schools say it generates an income for them of around 3,000-4,000 a year (imagine how much the companies who install them are making then if thats the case?) and Enda Kenny says there are alot of sugar free options in them, so they are not so bad really.

    I am surprised at Enda, whatever about his ability as Taoiseach, he is a healthy fellow, he walks, cycles etc alot and generally sets a good example as you can see he looks after his health. So, I just could not believe him defending vending machines in schools. Surely he knows is not right?

    I think its morally wrong to have sugary drinks and even the diet ones, on sale in schools. It still promotes kids not drinking water – how can that be good???

    No wonder we have an obesity epidemic with our children :(


    They should not be allowed.
    When I was in school, only during the small break, and only for that break, it was a stand where pupils were selling for the school scones or the french equivalent (from the local bakery). It was a nice snack, but healthy enough for moving pupils, and also only available once a day for 15 minutes. So kids were not able to load themselves with pure sugar all day. And the revenue for the school was there, for the the local shop as well who was selling to the school big quantity of bakery at smaller price but garantied revenue and for the kids it was actually slightly cheaper than buying it directly to the bakery.
    Kids, school, parents evryone was happy.
    Vending machines you can’t control what’s there or ban EVERY high sugar and high fat item, then you’re left with ????
    bottle water.

    Then they’ll pay for campaigns for healthy eating….



    No…just no.

    As a parent you try and you try and you try to keep your kids away from whats not good for them and you think the school is a safe environment but they are just as bad as all the greedy corporations.

    I am just so sick and tired of the whole system.


    most definitely a NO!!!!!
    I’m assuming you mean secondary school? It would go against most healthy eating options that exist in most primary schools. Regardless I still think it should be NO

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