Tips for Housetraining???

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    I am going off my head….
    We rescued a Yorkie 18 month old male about a month ago, and he has the most incredible personality. BUT, he was never housetrained properly. I have tried everything at this stage…. and I’ve got him in the crate at night. I have never had an issue training before, and I am doing all the necessary…. major praise when he does his business outside, let him out after sleeping, eating etc… all the normal….. but this boy just doesn’t get the message that my house isn’t his toilet. It is doing my head in! I’ve always had dogs, so, I know how to work with them…. but I’ve always trained from puppy…. Can anyone help… I am going mental here!


    Fun times!-is he castrated?……this can help as it reduces his testosterone level & therefore he doesnt feel the need to mark his area as much (ie…your house!).

    I pressume you did the usual of having newpaper on the kitchen fooor & moving it gradually closer & closer to the back door until it is eventually outside.Lots of praise when done in the right place.make sure if he does go inside that is cleaned very thoroughly as if he can get any whiff of his remaining scent he will go again in the same area.

    Good Luck 😀


    Oh yup…. done all the normal things… and having had pups in past, trying to train an older dog isn’t easy….. he has to "unlearn" that which he has learnt / not learnt…..
    Ah…. sigh……


    I am by no means an expert but just trained my puppy and that was a first time. Anyhow, I got the side panels off the old cot bed and used them to make a fenced in area. The puppy gets locked into this area at night – they will not wee in their bed.

    How about limiting your doggies access, and, if he behaves, gradually give him more access.


    Oh, I am currently working with a crate with him….. so he doesn’t do the business in the crate / bed…..
    I don’t have him locked up at other times… .but I think I am going to have to restrict his access for the rest of the time to the rest of the house. It isn’t like training a pup, I’ve done that for years…. I am having to "undo" what he has done in the past… 🙁

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