Swine Flu Jab…Yes or no???

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    have been thinking about all the posts since last night and i think im not going to get the kids vaccinated.some of you will think i have a duty to get it and some of you will think im right not to get it but at the end of the day only god knows what is around the corner for us so girls im going to take my chances by not getting it


    angelmum i think i have come to the conclusion that i will be doing the exact same as you!!! (although i have to see what his dad says before its a definite) but i will argue my case with him. It just makes u think that with some docs not giving it…..why???


    i know its a tough decision to make. as someone who has an underlying condition to deal with, the choice to get vaccinated was easier to make for me. all you can do is all the research that you can. trust me when i say i have read the entire swineflu.ie website, even the info for professionals etc and i am happy with the decision i have made. also talked to my gp too. and the hse advisors on theflu line. we have gotten pandemerix, which has been tested, celevapan has not. i have read both the articles in the above posts and some others of you might be intersted to know that some of the info in the wise up journal article is inaccurate in relation to the adjuvants. the world health organisation has confimed this and you can read about it in the adjuvants section on the swineflu website. you really cant believe everything you read! it is up to everyone individually to do what is right for their family. in my opinion, and its just an opinion, doctors not giving the vaccine is more to do with insurance/compensation issues etc. its fear on their part. my fear of the swine flu drove me to protect myself and my dd against it. i wouldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to her and i hadn’t gotten it. i agree that not everyone needs to be vacinated, but they do say the more who get it the less it will spread.


    Thanks for posting those links Muso & Taylor. For anyone who doesn’t know, New Scientist is a well respected Scientific Journal. Sorry Tarac but I have never heard of wiseupjournal.com??

    Here’s the link to the World Health Organisation site if anyone is interested in having a look:


    Just wanted to edit this to say that the article Tarac posted a link to is from a paper called The Sovereign Independent (.com). Anyone ever heard of this paper???


    Dh and I sat down last night and he thinks that we ALL should get the vacine, he is very worried at the moment as two of his lads are out sick with what they think is swine flu, he is afraid he will bring the germ home to the kids and wants them vacinated asap.
    missymum Im with you couldnt live with myself if something happened either ds, something that I could have gotten a vacine for,

    I rang the haymarket today and they said they are still only doing people with underlying conditions at the moment, the under 5’s are being sent out letters at the moment so we all should have word next week or the week after

    good luck in making your choices


    There is a suspected case of it at my DDs school. My father and sister and niece have all gotten the injection andhave no side effects from it.. Going to get DD done and me and dh aswell. baby cant get it done cos he is under 6 months.


    Taylor, we too are just waiting to get dh done. i’d be happier knowing that it was going to stay out of the house alltogether. Unfortunately 😛 he doesnt have an underlying condition so he has to wait.


    Hi girls,

    Just to let you all know that I rang my GP’s office this afternoon and my LO is booked in for tomorrow. She said they got the vaccine for children in this morning and will start vaccinating straight away. Might be worth giving your own GP a call rather than waiting for a HSE clinic.



    Razzle Dazzle ..do u mind me asking who’s ur G.P?


    Just pm’d you Wonderwoman


    Hi ladies – we have got the swine flu jabs – myself, dh, dd (aged 2) and ds (aged 11 mths). Sore arms for myself and hubbie – no discernable side affects for the babas so far thank god. Got it done yesterday (underlying health issues). glad we have got it done as my brothers dd has just been diagnosed with swine flu in dunleer (she is five) and the family are all quarantined now. Glad we made the decision and got it done. If that helps ! 🙂


    Really in a muddle now. My brother, who is diabetic, got the jab and is so sick today. His arm is numb and he has flu symptoms, the shakes and is so tired. Taking paracetomal. But then a child in our local area has swine flu and was in hospital, for fluids, due to dehydration. I really don’t know what to think now. My brother is a big lad and yet so sick from the vaccine. I hate to think of putting that into my babies body if he took the same reaction. Yet when I hear of a child obviously so sick. ??????????

    super minder

    had my swine flu jab today in dundalk. i signed in at 9.50 with an appointment which said between 10 and eleven. i sat and waited like other people and i got my injection at 11.25

    but other people would didnt book got ahead of me. my stomack was sick with nervese and i think if i was on my own today i would of gone home.
    poor kids were getting board. and everyone was trying to move down the line. one guy only came in frount of me and got his jab half an hour before me. mad system.

    im dreading going back again in 3 weeks.

    taylor how did you get on pet.


    I spoke to my GP this morning and asked him straight out if his children (under 5) would be getting the vaccination, he said definitely as the repercussions for young children getting swine flu could be far more severe than any side effect of the vaccine.


    mummy5 sorry to hear about your brother, my nephew had swine flu a few months back and he was very very ill, he was in hospital for a good few days as he couldnt control his blood sugars, it really took alot out of hm.

    I was in Dundalk today and they have an OPEN clinic, men woman children, you dont need to have any underlying illness. im ringing on monday and will drive up to the next open clinic

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