Skindulgence 30 minute non surgical facelift!

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    Mumstown asked me to have a go at reviewing this SkinDulgence Non Surgical face Lift from Neasa McKiernan, at Skindulgence…….

    I started using it 2 weeks ago and so far so good. It feels and smells nice and my skin feels soft and nourished. The aim of this facelift is to pull collagen up to the surface of the skin, making the skin look younger.

    It is very easy to apply; as there are only 3 simple steps to follow.

    1. Cleanse face thoroughly.
    2. Apply the mask and lie down for 30 mins while it works
    3. Moisturise the skin after removing the mask.

    The whole process only takes about 35 minutes. When the mask is applied you lie down and after around 5 minutes, you can feel your skin tightening up. You need to lie down to let it work properly so its a goof excuse to put your feet up with the paper or a book!

    When the mask is removed – this can be a bit tricky and I needed to make sure to fully cleanse it all off as there were little traces left on me after the first cleanse. Once my face was clean, I applied the moisturizer and then my skin felt very soft. The moisturizer is very cooling on the skin too, which is lovely after the face mask

    I applied it this 3 times a week for optimum results and am hoping at the end of the 90 days I’ll look a few years younger!!

    The whole process is 90 days then the course is completed. I am enjoying it and it seems to be plumping my skin a bit so I would recommend it.

    See here for details on it: … st-results

    For more contact Neasa 087-2263960 or


    Just adding an updated review on the 30 minute non surgical facelift. My skin feels a lot tighter and softer. My face feels very refreshed after applying the cream once the mask is off. Its a lovely cooling sensation which leaves my skin feeling nice. Since I started using this product I can definitely notice a difference in my skin compared to before using this product. I would highly recommend that people give this a try for the 90 days as suggested. 🙂


    I could do with one of these right about now!!!!

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