Run Fat B*tch Run….

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    I did 2 online classes with Labfitness this week at home due to the bad weather. Then I went for a 4km run Thursday morning and I am heading out now for a 4km again in a few mins with the buggy, the weather is nice here so I am making the most of it and bringing baby today as she has been cooped up alot with the weathe and she was sick too. Think the fresh air will do her good.

    Then I am coming home to a bath, followed by homemade shepherds pie and glass of wine, in my pajamas!! That’s my plan for therest of the day anyway!! 😀

    You’ll be grand Haileysmam, just take it easy the first few times and build yourself back up slowly. You’ll be flying in no time at all!!

    let us know how you get on once you start back. Glad you’re on the mend. 😀


    well I tried to run this am…..but I think it still must have been too soon, i only finished the antibiotics yesterday, I was getting up yucky stuff from my chest with trying to exert myself so I settled for a brisk 40 minute walk instead…..hopefully later in the week I will be more successful.


    Start back slowly…or you might set yourself back. Take care and in a few days you’ll be back running along without a bother on you 😀


    yeah def start slowly haileysman you had a rotten dose – last thing you want is to set youself back
    fairplay to you ladies on the running
    I’m almost finished my 30day challenge on the wii and the low level – going to go straight to the hard level on Wedensday 😉


    I ran 5km today girls. I cannot believe I did it. I have been averagin around 3-4km lately but today, I just kept going and got to 5km.

    I’ll be honest, at around 3km I thought I might stop but I found some kind of inner strength and kept going (it was probably from when my 2 year old said to me this morning ‘Mammy, you have a big bum. I have a small bum but you have a big one!!).

    So I did 5km!! My legs are tired. My body is tired and I did have to walk a few times along the way but hopefully – one day – I’ll be able to run the whole thing without stopping.

    😀 😀 😀 😀


    excellent fair play Sabbi


    WooHoo Sabbi, well done…..that is my aim & i hope to get there in the coming weeks 😀


    You’ll get there haileysmum…keep at it.

    I still had to stop a few times along the way and do bits of walking but I ran a fair amount of it and I am not feeling too bad today, so I suppose I must be getting used to it.

    Someday I might actually run these love handles away 😆 😆 😆


    Just wondering how the running is going with everyone?.

    I got out running 3 times last week & the other 4 days I walked, that has been my best week for a while, I really need to keep the momentum up especially seen as the nights are so much brighter, I really have NO excuse not to get out there.

    Lidl are selling running gear starting on Thursday, it looks like nice stuff.

    At the moment I have just been timing myself on my ipod, is it worth getting one of those watches?. I never know what distance I do only the time…. if you know what I mean.


    Well done haileysmam, you are doing great…..ive been out doing the 5k regularly, did the darkness into light in drogheda and loved it. Have started doing 10k at the weekends which i honestly never thought id be able to do but am loving it. Having said that i did a 10k route last Sunday that id wanted to do for ages but didn’t go back out again until tonight!! Did a nice 5k though and have the bug back now!!

    Must look at lidl this week i got a light running jacket from there and gloves before, they are both great.


    fair play ladies

    haileysmum there are aps you can download such as mapmywalk etc that will tell you the distance as well as time etc


    Yes I meant to say that I use map my run 🙂


    l haven’t run since l broke my arm a few weeks ago and l really miss it.

    i’ve been walking a bit but its not the same – cannot wait for my arm to be better and the sling & cast off so l can get back to it.


    I am probably the only person left in Ireland that hasn’t got a smartphone!….so apps aren’t an option for me. does anyone think it is worth getting one of those watches to measure distance etc?….if so is there any particular make that’s good?.


    yesterday I ran for the longest I have ever run, it really put a smile on my face, i am going to try & make a point of each time I go out running to try to add even 2 minutes to the length of my previous run- that way before I know it will be 10 minutes extra without it being a big deal.

    how’s everyone else getting on with their running?

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