Period is late…..

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    My period is late which never happens to me unless I am pregnant, which I’m definitely not! If anything it comes early because I usually have a short cycle and get my period every 25 days, rather than 28. So now, its a good few days late, about 5 days and I am wondering what’s up??

    I don’t feel sick or stressed (well, not more than usual anyway :roll: ) but no sign of it coming.

    I cannot be pregnant because my hubby had the snip 2 years ago and if that was going to fail, it would have happened long before now.

    What can cause a late period? My boobs are tender which is usually a sign its on its way but just has not arrived yet. I hate waiting for it, I just want it to be here and done with.

    Sometimes its hard to be a woman…..


    I’m not expert but I read about women going into early menopause.


    could be weight loss – you’re exercising as in running quiet a bit might have something to do with it. I know what you mean about waiting for it to arrive – I was 2 late this month which happens me occasionally and spent most of that time going back and forth to the loo 😉
    Hope it arrives soon


    Still no sign, its so annoying. I wish it would just come and be done with it.

    Definitely not weight loss Munchin – I wish I couldlose a bit of weight 🙄 . No matter how much exercise I do, I seem to stay around the same size. I do tone up a bit but theres not much weight loss.

    My hubby suggested early menopause and is currently walking with a limp!! 😆 😆 I doubt its that – well, I hope its not – I am still in my 30’s and not ready for that phase of my life just yet 😀


    oh sabbi I burst out laughing when I saw that part about the hubbies limp -a few other reasons:
    -a change in schedules
    -a change in medications
    -I know it sounds obvious but have you got the dates right – I have done it where I was convinced I still had a week and bang they arrived
    -there is a thing called peri-menopause – basically the period leading up to menopause where periods can become irregular, lighter, heavier etc
    -it could well just be the extra running you’re doing too

    If it was me I’d double check my dates and if it got to a week late I’d mention to chemist/doctor?


    Forgot to add, it came last Thursday. It was a few days late and when it came on Thursday I was in a heap for the day but Friday morning, I was able to get up and out for a jog and was grand. It was the usual, lasted 4 days and now is gone and I’m back to normal

    Just hope its on time next month – don’t like when my cycle is upset!


    this happens to me too, i can usually tell exactly when it goes but it seems to every now and then decide a change in date, can be the longer or shorter months it can be delayed by a week and then next month arrive on time, varies from long on to a short one…i suppose it’s just the bodies way or readjusting what it wants to do…mother nature is wonderful…lol

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