Hailey day 18

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    Hailey is really struggling to keep any of her feeds down,its so hard to watch.the dietician has tried so many things with her from adding thiickener to the milk so it is harder for her to vomit up & giving her extra calorific feed so she doesnt need as much volume but nothing seems to work.

    today i fed her 65mls only for 45mls to come back up again,its so hard seeing her like this and she wont be able to come home until she keeps her feeds down & puts on weight.

    She is loosing weight everytime they weigh her and i really dont know what to do.

    im pretty much at breaking point,its just so exhausting & my partner has a chest infection to top it all off so he hasnt been able to come to the hospital with me & wont be able to for the next few days as he may be contagious and the last thing we need is for Hailey to catch anything else,it just feels like its one thing on top of another and that its never going to end…..


    It is alot to deal with and its no wonder you are exhausted and feeling so low. Do you have any family members who can come and help out while your partner is getting better – maybe someone who can sit with Hailey and try to feed her to give you a little break?

    You need to get some rest to take care of yourself too so you can stay strong for her. I know you probably don’t want to leave her side but it might do you some good to have a little rest.

    If you can, try to think of all the positives that have happened, Hailey has overcome so many obstacles already and it is clear that she is a little fighter.

    Hopefully, the feeds will start staying down a bit more soon and it won’t be long until she can come home.

    Hope your partner on the mend soon and you can get some rest. I know its hard sleeping in a hospital but try to get as much rest as you can, sleep deprivation can push the best of us over the edge, it makes everything else seem so unmanageable.

    rest, eat and try not to worry too much (I know thats really difficult) – we are all thinking of you and rooting for little Hailey. Hope to hear some good news soon. x


    Sabbi very well said… you do seem to be getting knock after knock, but you have to look at any positive you can, at least 20 odd mls stayed down. You will look back in a few months and wonder where you tiny baby has gone, as soon as she starts to grow and thrive there will be no stopping her 😉

    Mind yourself and i hope your dh gets better soon x


    It must be so tough when they are so little, and they are struggling…. 🙁 But she sure does sound like a little fighter. Every little step is a step in the right direction, even if it feels like every minute you are facing challenges. At least with her in the hospital, she is being closely monitored, so you know she is in good hands.

    As always, our thoughts are with you, and I hope your dp feels better soon!


    the thing is temple street are only letting parents in at the moment,due to all the flus & winter bugs around the place so no one else can sit with Hailey bar me at the moment,hopefully my partner will be better next week that way at least i will have someone with me,its very tough being there alone with her when things are going wrong.


    hang in there brenda…u have a little fighter on your hands…U give Hailey strength even just be being there and she gives u the strength needed to keep going at this tough time…a double act at mo!!! thinking of u xxx


    Thinking of little hailey xx

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