Golden skin at the end of the rainbow…

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    Golden skin at the end of the rainbow…

    Diet massively affects how you look. Roughly speaking, the foods that make you gain weigh (sugar, trans fast, processed foods, white flour) will also give you wrinkles and spots, while all the stuff your mum told you was good for you (fruit & veg, oily fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, wholegrains…) helps build collagen, hydrates skin and infuses it with cell-protecting anti-oxidants.

    The greater the variety of anti-oxidants you eat the better. A very simple way to do that is to eat fruit and veg in as many different colours as possible.


    Why should I avoid SLS in products?

    Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is a cheap foaming agent used in many shampoos (& washing products) to help remove oil and grime from your scalp and hair.

    Sufferers of skin allergies or eczema should avoid SLS. Daily use of SLS formulations can irritate the scalp, making it dry and flaky. Not only can SLS dehydrate your skin and scalp, it can also sap moisture from your hair especially if it has been coloured.


    I have combination sensitive & oily skin and find the Elave cleanser brilliant for my face. Its does not irritate me or make my skin go red, like some cleansers can. I love this – its always in my make-up bag.

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