Crazy PMS Cleaning….why? I don’t understand?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Jedt.
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    Why do I clean like a crazy person before my period comes?

    For the past 2 days I have been cleaning the house like mad. And its always unusual cleaning when its PMS related.

    Yesterday, I rearranged the garage and today, I cleaned out all the sock drawers. I was at it for 3 hours this evening and low and behold, my period arrived right as I was finished.

    Its the same every month, I’ll be up on a chair cleaning gutters or something like that and my husband will tease me that its on the way.

    He’s a brave man because I usually bite the head off him for that.

    That’s the other thing, I am moody wagon the days leading up it. I get a hefty dose of PMS for 2-3 days and feel like a woman possessed. I suppose its good I go mad cleaning because at least it keeps me from throttling anyone in the house!!

    Does anyone else get a bit mental with PMS??


    Oh yes, and I can relate to the random cleaning, like I’ll empty out the kitchen drawers or pull everything out of the under the stairs press like a woman possessed and feel great when I look at it all sorted! The rest of the month these things would barely register on my radar but premenstrually I’ll tackle them like a ninja!


    Its crazy the way we go isn’t it?

    I attack the cleaning with venom. My hubby usually wanders in, takes one
    look and me and backs out as quietly as he can! LOL!!!

    I feel sorry for my hubby & son, before they know it, there will be 3 girls and one woman in this house with PMS and apparently when women live together, they all get on the same cycle.

    My sisters and I are not even living together and we all get them around the same time.

    Lots of insanity to come in this house in a few years I’d say……the fells better run!!! 😆 😆

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