Breastfed Baby Not Putting On Enough Weight

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    Clare was good enough to contact me & I’m hoping to phone her 2moro.

    The whole thing is just getting me a bit down – I feel like such a bloody failure. I can’t even feed my own baby successfully. 😥

    And Wednesday I’ll get another hospital doc tut-tutting at my scrawny wee infant as they plot his weight on their bottle-fed baby charts..

    Ah, ignore me, it’s just been a bad day…..


    You are not a failure, you are doing your best for him and he is getting plenty of wet & dirty nappies so you are doing something right. Please give yourself some credit for all your efforts and hopefully it will all work out well.

    Clare is great, she can offer excellent support & advice to you.

    Chin up – you’ll get there.

    Mind yourself and remember, lots of drinks & snacks for you and as much rest as possible. If someone offers to take the other two children for a while, say yes. if someone offers to help around the house, or run to the shops or cook a dinner – say yes. You need to focus on baby and let others help with anything else.

    Take it easy and try not to worry too much. x


    Yippee! He’s started putting on some weight – 160g in the last week. Think that is over 5oz! He is still scrawny, but if he keeps it up, we should be ok in the end.

    Supplementing a wee bit with a few syringes of formula (won’t take a bottle) for the next couple of weeks to get him back on track & then hopefully should be ok.

    Paediatrician says there’s an acceptable level of scrawny for a bf baby & my man had dropped beneath it. Says ideal is to get back to 100% boobmilk, but prioritise getting weight gain moving in right direction first. He’ll see me in three weeks & I’m to get the baby weighed by PHN every week in between to monitor that weight going in right direction…

    Am glad as will give me a chance to pop in to Costa bf mum’s group again, as everything has been clashing with it over the last few weeks. Also dying to see Caligal’s wee lady….


    I did not breastfee on my babies but did have the hassle on the underweight baby. When my dd was 9 months, she had her checkup and was considered way underweight. Now she was almost exactly the same weight as my ds had been but because she was born heavy(9lb 7oz) they expected her to keep up that trend.

    I was really stressed out by this meeting. As far as I was concerned, I had a very healthy, active little girl – she was up attempting to walk at this stage. I was told to come back in two weeks so that they could check her out again.

    Anyhow, once I relaxed – I went went with my own instincts and did not bother going back to them. They base how healthy a baby is on how fat you can make them.

    There is obviously a big difference – you baby is depending solely on milk at this stage and it would be a huge worry to you. But I think, mammy know her child and do not let them stress or bully you.


    That’s great news Pookie2! Any weight gain is positive but 5 oz is FAB!

    Keep up the good work and remember if you are stressed and tired it affects milk supply..such a vicious circle as baby not getting enough milk results in not a great sleeping baby and prevents you from being less stressed and less tired 😥


    Well done Pookie, all your efforts are paying off. Hopefully with his improved latch and his weight gain things will start to settle down for you both and you can relax and enjoy feeding him. Breastfeeding can be such a lovely experience and is one to be enjoyed, so less stressed mammy = more milk and well fed, happier baby.

    Delighted for you that he is putting on weight and hope he keeps it up!

    Caligal, how is your little lady feeding for you? Hope all going well, can’t wait to see her. 🙂


    Zara is a little piggy! Like Pookie, I have supply issues but know what works for me personally (loads oatmeal, fennel tea and more milk herbal capsules by Motherlove) so it’s under control..fingers crossed 😉


    Am following the same diet Caligal! Porridge / Museli, capsules, tea …. Fingers crossed.

    You are doing well to be posting & your baba soooooo young! Great woman!

    Really envy those mums who have milk gushing out of them & can express pints at a time….. I know I have milk, but you’d never guess it from the pump sometimes. Am going to try simultaneously pumping & feeding to see if that gets me anywhere.

    Just hoping that I’ll be as happy this time next week

    This was the third (different) health nurse that I’ve seen since he was born. Haven’t seen the same one twice yet!


    Hang in there Pookie..any gain is positive. You know you don’t have to go back..they can’t make you!


    just wanted to say Congrats Caligal on baby girl
    and pookie fairplay to you for sticking to you guns – i’m delighted to hear babs seems to have turned a corner for you


    Off to the PHN 2moro (Thurs). Fingers crossed that he’s put on another bit – 100g+ would be great. Am down with a sinus infection & on antibiotics & wee bit worried that I mightn’t be producing as much as in the recent past. Fingers crossed.


    hope all goes well today


    95g yesterday, so not too bad.

    called to doc today as he has bad cold & just wanted to check that no lung infection. not usual doc….

    I told her he was seeing a pediatrician & that was now gaining weight & that I just wanted to check that he hads nothing more serious than a cold….

    She stated by rolling eyes to heaven & throwing her hands up in the air. what did i want her to do? if he needed antibiotics he’d have to go to hospital as too small. Then I should abandon bf-ing, as clearly didn’t have enough calories in my milk. Then asked me if i had any other children (2), sighed & told me I was holding the baby wrong and not supporting neck enough.

    And what did I do? Punch her in the gob? No, I nodded & said very little & PAID (Caligal wouldn’t – wish I was American sometimes!) & then cried most of the way home.

    AND as I was paying a complete stranger asked me what age he was & tut-tutted & told me he was very small & wondered was he premature.

    F**** me! I’m doing everything the paediatrition & b-f experts say, he’s putting on weight & this is still what I have to put up with….. Grrrrrrr! 👿

    Bite me!!!!!! 👿 👿


    You’re right I wouldn’t have paid!

    That’s abusive and I would change GP’s. Hang in there as he is gaining weight.



    Ah pookie, you are having a tough time of it at the moment 🙁
    I’ve no helpful advice to offer really but just try to keep your chin up. This too will pass – that’s what I always say to myself when everything seems to conspire against me.
    It’s the weekend, so try to relax and forget about that woman today. Maybe have a little glass of wine, a large slab of chocolate, and watch something that makes you laugh (or cry – whichever works best).
    I hope you feel better soon.

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