Baby measuring small at 28 weeks

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    So I went to my scan appointment today and she said baby is measuring very small for nearly 29 weeks .. she said the baby is on the 7th percentile weighing just over 1050 grams does anyone know any info on weather to be worried or not she wouldn’t say much and don’t have the doctor till Monday and to be honest she is not normally willing to talk she just wants you in and out . Thanks in advance x


    I don’t have any advice, but when you go on monday ask ALL the questions to have your worries lifted or concerns explain (don’t know at all if it’s a concern or just a small baby). It doesn’t matter if your doctor normally rushed you out, stay and don’t stop asking questions until you are sure that you’ll not be worried once home.
    Personnally my babies were small, and ok. But I was advised (by OBGYN in France) to sleep on my left side (to do with veins and arteries around the uterus) as it may help a bit blood flow and baby growth. And there is no downside of it, so I did it, less for my son and he was lighter than my daughter (could may not be related).
    But PLEASE ask the questions, nothing worse than coming back home with questions not answered and not sleeping with worry.

    There is so many reasons for small babies (from smoking mum, to genetics, and medical conditions and more), but the reason will affect the wellbeing of the baby at birth. If baby small because small parents or small babies in the family it’s ok if you compare to a baby the same weight at same stage due to a medical condition then more worries should arise.
    It’s not just the weight it’s the reason why that matters.

    I was under 6 Pound at birth and no surprise my babies were also under 6 pound, when the average is more 8 I think.

    Ask all the questions on monday, I keep insisting but you can’t stay with your worries for the next few months.



    I’ve no advice on small babies but I second everything Fabienne says about asking the questions on Monday – one more tip though – write your questions down, bring them and a pen with you and write answers if you feel you need to and do not let the doctor rush you.
    Best of luck x


    are you resting? on my 3rd pregnancy I had a rough few weeks in the middle of it and my midwife noted that the baby was not growing as much as she should have been. so I rested up for a few weeks and she grew much better. it definitely made a difference.

    also, make sure to ask all questions on Monday – you need to know what this means and if there is anything you can do to help baby grow.



    Munchin, great idea about writing down all the questions.
    And don’t stop until they are all answered. Resting is always beneficial for baby growth.
    Will be thinking of you on monday.
    If doctors and/or you is worried, doctors can always request in few weeks another scan (might need to insist now with all the cut backs in HSE budget) to follow it and see any improvment.



    Thank you very much everyone definitely goof to ask questions Monday hopefully all will go well 🙂 thanks


    Best of luck on Monday, try to have a relaxing weekend and let us know how you get on. 🙂


    Will do thanks everyone 🙂


    So went to hospital today they have decided the baby has iugr so will have to have a scan dopplers and biophysicals once a week and see the doctor and if anything gets worse or something new shows up they will deliver …. Fingers crossed I get to my due date 🙂


    I actually mentioned this to my sister at the weekend and her friend had the same on her pregnancy – they monitored her closely and baby was delivered at 36weeks but that tiny little thing is a very tall gangly healthy teenager now.
    It’s good it’s been spotted and you are being monitored x


    Yeah hopefully all will go well … Il be sick of the sight of the hospital but will be worth it 🙂


    So baby is getting delivered Friday at the lastest which puts me at 36 weeks but baby weighing v.small at around 3lbs or 4lbs so hoping all goes okay and he comes out a little fighter and isn’t stuck I’n hospital for too long …..


    Best of luck. Try not to worry, at 36 weeks baby’s lungs will be matured and hopefully everything will go smoothly.

    keep us posted and let us know when babs arrives!

    Good luck. x


    morning – best of luck on Friday – 36 weeks is good and he’ll be in the right place – will be thinking of you

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