Anniversary of baby we lost to miscarriage

Home Forums Pregnancy Loss, Bereavement & Depression Anniversary of baby we lost to miscarriage

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    It was the anniversary of our baby who we lost to miscarriage this week. The baby was due on September 11th ( a horrid date for so many people around the world after 9/11)

    It is always a sad day for us as when we had our first scan on this baby, we saw the heart beating and had so much hope that we would not lose our baby to miscarriage.

    I am not very religious but for some reason, I always go to the church and light a candle for the baby on Sep 11th. I say a prayer and have a little cry and think about what might have been and just reflect on this little life that we lost.

    We have been so blessed with our 4 childrenand I wouldn’t change them for the world but I think its important to remember the ones we lost along the way. :cry:


    We planted a bush in the back garden for our baby and it has grown so much since we planted it. Its a nice reminder of our baby and its nice to see if growing bigger every year. Its bittersweet.


    Very sad indeed and Im very sorry for yourloss.

    I’ve been fortunate to not have any miscarriages but as a mother I can only imagine how painful it can be.



    Yes, Planting the bush is very good idea, a friend did the same, we sit around and toast to it every year..


    November will be a year since we lost our baby. I was alone at home as my husband was in France for work. Writing about it now is making me cry. I painted a field of flowers with a mountain backdrop to commemorate the lost of my pepper corn. The size the baby was and that the name i call he/her.


    So sorry Pamela 🙁 Its hard going through it and no matter how many weeks pregnant you were, it is a huge loss.

    There is a remembrance service that takes place in Dublin each year in November, where anyone from any religion can come along and remember their babies. It is not a very religious service, it is more about honouring and remembering the babies we lost. It is a really lovely service with beautiful music and everyone gets to light a candle for their baby(ies) that they place on the altar in memory of their baby and then, you can take your candle home afterwards. We go most years and find it a very nice way to remember the babies we lost.

    Anyone is welcome, its a free event. Here are the details about that – Sunday 9 November 2014 at 3pm, St Theresa’s Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8

    And more details here:

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