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    its great to hear you talking about the angels again,TAYLOR you dont have to get a reading,just ask your own angels to come forward.the first time you get a sign you will probably just pass it off.ask them to give you another sign and when you get it you will probably have a little giggle at how cool it is.then that’s it you have made the connection.from then on its easy just involve the angels in your everyday will be amazed and wonder how you ever did without them.CHEWIE………what your doing is change people’s lives


    I’m with you Angelmum…. all the way! I agree, folk don’t need a reading… it sometimes helps though if you are questioning all the "little voices" in your head! 😆 and the reading helps to give clarity.
    But they have a fabulous sense of humour…. I often ask them questions as to when things will happen, cos me, being human, wants everything NOW…. and what do they give me?…. The PATIENCE card….. without fail! 😆 😆 😆
    But you gotta love those signs! And thanks for your kind words…. but honestly, me… I do nothing. My feathered buddies send people my way, and I just get to talk about something that I am very passionate about. The thing is, I’ve seen the difference in peoples lives…. my own in particular….. and thats better than good enough for me! 😉



    Just wondering is there any books you would recommend to learn more about angels and how to get in contact with them. It sounds very interesting and I would like to learn more.


    A good one to have a peek at is….
    Lorna Byrne…. Angels in my hair. Written by a lovely Irish lady, who has seen Angels since being a baby….. The book is very simplistically written…. gives you lots of info, from a personal perspective. Also, I met the author in Dublin last year, and what a genuinely humble, lovely lady.
    I’d say that would be a good starting place.

    Otherwise, for more info….
    Doreen Virtue… has numerous books….

    Also, An Angel Treasury…. by Jackie Newcomb….. a good overall info.

    But, just start by taking little steps. Start "chatting" to your guardian angel…. ask them things… ask them to get involved in your life… and then sit back and watch how doors start to miraculously open for you. Keep an eye out for little signs that let you know they are around…. little white feathers, rainbows, butterflies….. you’ll be amazed….
    And just remember…. say please and thank you! No-one needs to know that you are chatting away to your feathered friends…. its between you and them! 😉

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