5 A DAY??

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    Girls i get really worried dd isnt eating enough vegetables, she eats loads of fruit and loves veg too but she eats such small amounts…how much would be one portion of veg??? For example we had chicken and noodles tonight with peppers, garlic , onions and coconut milk with spices she ate a small plate of it with maybe 9 small bits of diced pepper/onion would this for example constitute 1 portion????????
    Would a big spoon of homemade veg sauce make up 1 portion?? etc etc.

    I do juice carrots and she drinks that mixed with orange but i just worry about fresh veg at meal times and what constitutes 1 portion for a child??????????

    Also what other veg is good juiced???I tried celery and it was FOUL FOUL FOUL!!!!!!


    Not sure how old your little one is but my son went through a terrible fussy food stage from about 1.5 until 2.5 so I was reading everything I could find on the subject.

    The general wisdom is that a quarter of an adult portion is a toddler equivalent in terms of quantity.

    Dont forget kids have different metabolisms just like adults…some will just not eat as much of anything let alone fruit and veg.


    Try celery with orange or apple YUM takes away from the taste of the celery but still gives u the benfit of it

    Carrots & oranges are good together too


    HMM I just give him fruit in smoothies I get frozen berries in Dunnes then I add banana, apple, Peach, Icecream, berries and OJ…. he loves this and would have a few a week.
    On the veg side he eats carrots and not much else, so carrots is what he gets. He will eat frozen veg, he will eat the dunnes one with carrot, peppers and peas


    Celery and Apple yeah that would work i reckon!!
    Her fruit intake isnt a problem at all she would eat it all day long same with vegetables but it was just the vegetables in meals portion i was wondering about… thanks Toby you mentioned about a quarter of an adult portion would make one of the 5 a day..

    Pink i tried carrot and orange she loves that….me i nearly threw up 😆


    My 11 month old only eats savoury foods and vegetables. Just doesn’t eat fruit or anything sweet. She eats all vegetables. If you gave her a bowl of spinach she would devour it. I’ve managed to get her to eat apple by mixing it with parsnip. I tried some of the Plum range of veg and she liked their apple and parsnip mix. As she gets older I will try her again with bits of fruit but as long as she eats all her greens she’s not missing out. I normally give her a little bit of what I’m having to see if she wants it. She will look at me eating fruit and when I offer it to her she pulls a face, but if I offer her veg or meat or fish she’ll take it and look for more. She can develop the sweet tooth when she’s older.


    thats good bunacurry as its usually the opposite 😆


    i have red that one portion of fruit or veg for a child is the size of their palm.
    so it looks that mine are doing all right:))
    i would recommend blended veg with pasta, like a sauce with or without a meat.


    Bunnacurry my ds was like that but he has gone sooo fussy now and has gone off all fruit but still eats veg, touch wood.

    HMM if its only veg, you could do what Kasia says by adding the veg into dinners. I load veg in spag bol (this is for dh not ds 😳 ) or into curries. As long as she is eating fruit I wouldnt really stress about her not eating veg, some kids eat neither

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