36 weeks & signed off work

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    well I am now officially off work for a minimum of 6 months & if we can afford it (& im not rocking back & forth from lack of adult company!) maybe 9 months off from my job although a lot of people ive come across say that their 9-5 job is a much easier day than being home with their kid.

    i have to say that the closer ive come to the end of my pregnancy people seem to say a lot of negative things about being parents & i wonder why this is…they say things like you will never get a good nights sleep again,that your life is over,that you wont get to go out & do things anymore.why cant they say things like its all worth it & when they smile at you & reach milestones it will be magical,i think other parents should be positive rather than trying to scare a first time mum!.

    Ive ended up finishing work early as I just couldnt physically do it anymore,am wearing a back brace & belt,my physio has also suggested crutches to help me get around,im trying to hold off on that happening though.ive now gained 3 stone & needless to say i feel very attractive!!.

    anyway hope you are all having happy & healthy pregnancys or if you have a newborn i hope you are enjoying the experience.


    Ah ya poor thing, sounds like you are having a tough time of it right now!

    Well, I’ll be the first one to come on here and say…. Yes, parenthood is tough, but the good times SO outweigh the challenges…. there is nothing to beat that first belly giggle you get from your baby, the butterfly kisses and the sheer love that you feel for them.

    For all the issues, I wouldn’t change it for the world…..


    dont be listening to them Brenda…trouble is too many people take parenthood for granted and then when children come along they miss their old lives…yes your life will never be same again but in a good way it will be a million times better…since DS2 was born 5wks ago i havent had more than 2 hrs sleep without havin to wake for a feed or to nurse him etc..but I am so happy even if i am very tired…

    sorry you are suffering with your back at mo that must make things so tough these last few weeks…but just keep that smile on your face & look forward to when baby comes..there is no better feeling 🙂


    Don’t mind the negative nellies, being a mam is an honour and privilege. Of course its not all sunshine & roses but if it was as bad as people say, then why would so many of us have more than one baby!!??

    We are on baby number 4 and last weekend my hubby & I got out for dinner, drinks and even a bit of dancing (very bad, embarassing dancing) and had a great night out where we could relax and enjoy ourselves.

    We still go on holiday (when we can afford it!) and we get breaks away at home with and without the kids. We go to the cinema sometimes together or I go with the girls and my hubby plays footballs twice a week – so we still get to do our own thing. Thats important and can be done with some organisation and once baby is in some sort of routine.

    Even at the start, when there are some sleep disturbed nights, you will be on maternity leave so you can go back to bed with baby for naps during the day. You really should do this – thats what maternity leave is for!

    Our baby girl is 12 weeks old now and she sleeps from 9pm until around 5am most nights and I only give her a quick breastfeed at 5 and she goes back to sleep until 8 or so. We are getting plenty of sleep and are loving her so much, she is an absolute joy.

    There are up’s and down’s to being a parent but overall its brilliant. You are in for the adventure of your life!! 😀


    sorry to hear you’re in such pain etc at the end of pregnancy i assume it’s spd my sis had thi and yikes it was bad BUT once she had babs it was worth every minute of it!
    Yes your life changes and it’s different and yes there are tough times but as a mum of two i wouldn’t change it for the world and i don’t know anyone that would. I’ve had a fab morning this am just getting down and playing with my girls it’s been brilliant – nothing beats the joy when you see them achieving something, the giddy excitment when they start to walk etcetc Enjoy every minute of it!!!!!


    Your pregnancy sounds sooo like mine…. but i would do it again in a heartbeat if i could.
    I loved being pregant on both my boys, yes it had its ups and downs, when they were born it was a learning curve, my life was never the same again…. it was a million times better!!
    I would swap nights out on the tiles and getting drunk for sitting up nursing a sick child all night any day of the week. It is the best time of your life, yes its very testing and a challenge most days.
    Sit, cuddle, smell and make the most of every second of you baby, they grow so fast, i wish i could have been able to stop time for a little while….. but ds2 was a bit sickly and as some of the mums on here would tell me "i got great milage out of him", he seemed like a new new baby for weeks if not months.
    It will be the best time of your life, a new baby makes what was once a couple into a family! Amazing 😀


    Thanks ladies for posting all the positives on becoming a parent,we are both so excited & probably nervous in equal measures about what lies ahead of us,we have both wanted this for many years & in a lot of ways i cant believe its actually going to happen,even though it feels like i have been pregnant FOREVER!!….anyway the countdown has started…3 weeks to go! (if i dont go overdue!)


    Brenda enjoy every minute of it – there’s nothing beats the smell of your own newborn baby, the gummy smiles, the first wobbly steps, my pair are now almost 5 and 2.5, i work full time and nothing makes my day more than when i go in the door and hear squeals of "mammyyyyyyyy" as they come running for me!!! I wont lie there are days when they drive me demented but we all have days like that kids or not!
    oh and my little one is 25th november day after my birthday and i have to say the most fantastic birthday present ever and that Christmas was without a doubt one of the most special ones !!!!!!!

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