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  • #108522

    Tell her she will get worms in her bum if she bites her nails and see if that works


    Jaysus women…..

    Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this motherhood lark, ye tell me I should be dosing them for worms?


    Even with no dog???

    Is it kids or livestock we’re talking about here????

    Is there no end to my ignorance?????


    Hi All,

    I know when you start to read all the symptoms the mind starts to work overtime. These symptoms apply when you notice a change – that your child is not themselves – something has changed, something is different.

    If you don’t mind me asking what made you think it was worms?



    Yes they shoudl get wormed 1 or maybe twice if you have pets……. okay i’ll tell you how worms spread and you decied if you should worm
    Okay female worm lays eggs on the outside of the anus at nightime, this causes the child to scratch his/her bum…. eggs under finger nails, if child doesnt have good hygiene and goes to school, pre school, book store, coffee shop etc…. another child picks up toy that now has eggs on it, puts in mouth or hand in mouth… and the cycle begins!!!!

    Okay the chemist will be out of stock of vermox by end of day 😆 😆 😆 😆

    So short nails and good hygiene… also regular clean of kids toys


    Oh god I never wormed her 😯 and we have a dog which licks us incessantly.

    dd is never hungry surely she can’t have worms?

    I am always hungry but don’t be itchy 😆


    you dont get them off pets its a natural thing, picked up from toys, muck, earth etc…

    Off to scratch my hole….. its not itchy just numb from sitting on it 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
    HMM you scratch you bits in your sleep iykwim…. not all fecking day! 😆 😆 😆 😆


    Oh god I dont think I do that….

    Ok not coming back to this thread I am itchy all over now 😆

    Think I just like food!!! Well I hope so


    i seen my nephew have the same symtoms as her years ago but he had worms and the cough she has was is at night time she was very irratble and moody and all of sudden was really hungry all the time so i gave her a worm dose not relising she had mild astma 2 weeks later she was still the same so i brought her doctors and found it was not worms. we have a pup and a cat.


    @ taylor if i told her that she would scream the place out of it she is afraid of worms since she was a baby she wouldn’t go near grass till she was 2 the fun i used to have with them jelly worms i was a mean mammy 😆 😆 😆 😆


    yes a cough at night time can be a sign of Asthmia


    Hi NickySinglemum.
    It’s just something to file in the back of your mind – a persistent cough can be a symptom of worms. If you feel that worms are still a possibility I’d consider regular bum checks if all the other symptoms are there. (In homeopathy symptoms are viewed as the body’s way of telling you that there is a problem – that something is going on. The symptoms are not the problem but the expression of an underlying problem). A symptom is when you notice that something is different, something has changed – like when a child that is usually pretty easy to manage becomes difficult and uncooperative. In homeopathy you’re looking at symptoms/change on both the emotional and the physical level.

    My experience with worms (and some of this is personal – I did battle with them in my house for 6months last year) is that for people who are susceptible to worms they seem to linger in the body and reoccur in cycles. In frustration I sometimes used Vermox but that too would only sort it for a few weeks. After working with a number of remedies I think I’ve cracked it for our household but I am always on the look out for the first symptom – which for us is the inability to get to sleep at night.



    Berry what remedy did you come up with? Think i might have worms myself as im now terrible to sleep at night and i’d eat a small child and still be hungry


    Hi Taylor5,
    Because in our family the problem was recurrent – it wasn’t just a one off- give the vermox – done and dusted. So I had to look at the whole picture – too treat our suceptibility to worms. It required some deeper acting remedies that are not available over the counter.

    If you feel your symptoms are covered by the list on the first posting – then I would try cina 6c – 3 times a day for 6 weeks.
    However if it is a persistent recurrent problem and you wanted to go down the homeopathic route to try and sort it – you would need to see a homeopath.



    Berry thanks for that, i dont think i would remember to give 3 times a day for 6 weeks!!!

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