Water meters – major hazard for kids!!

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    I am so annoyed.

    They have started installing the water meters in our area last week (not quite sure who is responsible for the rollout, is it the local county councils?)

    Anyway – they started last Friday and have made man holes in front of some houses and have put barriers and cones up in other areas where they are going to start making more holes this week.

    Wen they finished for the weekend on Friday evening, they left loads of things behind at the end of our road including; wooden crates piled very high, barriers, the actual water meters and loads of other dangerous equipment.

    Despite us parents telling our kids not to go near it, of course, the kids have been running over and trying to climb on stuff and see what is there.

    So far, the kids have dismantled crates, barriers and the meters have no plastic wrapping left on them. We have been pulling them away from it all weekend and its been a real pain in the backside!!

    Thankfully, none of the kids have been injured and us parents are still getting them away from the piles of stuff every time they go near it but in this weather, we cannot keep them locked indoors and also, cannot watch them every second of the day.

    I am so annoyed this mess has been left in our quiet little cul de sac, in the middle of our road – beside the green area our children play on.

    I want to ring up and complain but not sure who to actually complain to – anyone know who is running this installation???


    as far as I know it’s Irish Water – did you get a booklet beforehand – there should be information in that
    Our’s is due to start next week – Easter holidays – great fun!!!!!!!!


    All I can say is, keep the kids away from it. Its a total mess, our road is covered in bits and pieces of the installation gear.

    Yesterday – again – we found a bunch of kids from the road trying to climb in to it!!

    We have been pulling them away from it all weekend and I am seriously annoyed that it was left there.

    Irish Water will be getting a call from me today 😈


    They appear to be subcontractors – We had Coffey Engineering. They put up hoarding around any holes and did not leave anything lying around.


    I wonder how much contractors are costing?? We will have to foot the bill at the end for all of this and it is being so badly managed.

    They are so rude an obnoxious here – they have made a complete mess of our road. It was very dangerous to leave all that stuff lying around over the weekend. I said it to one of the guys and he could not have cared less – he actually gave out about the children for touching it. Seriously??!!

    This morning I went out to pick up a few groceries and when I came back, they had started on our driveway and had completely blocked my entrance into my house. I had to park outside on the road and climb over the garden wall with my bags of shopping.

    Its bad enough we will have to pay for water but the way they are installing it – its a nightmare 👿


    Sounds terrible. Its coffey where we are too and no problems at all. Very quick going around and clean too. Everything is safely stored when they finish up.


    They’ve been awful here and were back at it at it early this morning and upsetting parents trying to get out for the school run.

    I got in touch with Irish Water yesterday about them leaving stuff lying around all weekend and again last night and they said they would look into it immediately. In fairness to them, they responded straight away and were very concerned about the mess the guys are making here.

    Hopefully they will be gone soon and take all their mess away with them.

    Its annoying that we will have to pay for the water but to have so much disruption and for dangerous materials to be left around where children play is just not on.


    My concern was the quality of work carried out – everything seems neat on inspection.

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