Water charges – have you registered? Are you going to?

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    I am definitely worried about the water charges that are coming. It all seems very ambiguous and I don’t know how much allowance we will have and how much we will have to pay from next month.

    I don’t think they’ve really planned it well and here are the aspects that worry me:

    Allowance for children, how much? – They say the ‘average’ family in Ireland has 2 children and there will be certain allowances for the children. We have 4 children and 3 of them play GAA which means they train twice a week and also, our son plays football too. Will we be worrying about them having the necessary showers after their matches and training because of the cost?

    Leakage – apparently, alot of the pipes that lead water to our homes are leaking and in dire need of repair. Irish Water is going to start charging us regardless, even if the pipes at our houses are leaky. How is this right? how will we know if our bills are high due to leaky pipes?

    Apart from the standard rate, how much of a bill can families expect to pay? This seems like an unanswerable question and with property tax, school costs and heating bills, this just feels like a bill we can ill afford.

    is anyone else worried about this??

    I am so sick of hearing Irish Water on the radio saying they are doing their best of us their ‘customers’ and they are safe guarding our future. While I do agree the water system needs to change, I am just worried how much this is going to cost normal families who really cannot afford it…. :(


    TV3 are filming a segment about Water Charges next week and are looking to speak to a family who lives in an apartment.

    If you live in an apartment and would like to have your say about the water charges and the worries you have about this, please get in touch with us here at siobhan@mumstown.ie


    Water Charges….adding insult to injury….

    we live just to pay bills…


    funny I was only thinking about this the other night when I was showering the kids – wondering how much water they’re using etc etc
    Not only the kids but I am exercising regularly and simply could not have a shower after
    Yes it is worrying and the fact that it’s all so very very vague doesn’t help matters – and off course the first bill kicks in January – right after Christmas


    We take a lot of showers here with GAA, hubby plays footie twice a week, I exercise 3-4 times a week and we all have to have showers afterwards. It would be unpleasant house if we didn’t!!

    They are just so unclear about it all – I hope its not a big bill in January.

    Dreading that one. Its nothing but bills, bills, bills 🙁

    I’ll be giving out yards about it on TV3 next week….the way they are handling it is so worrying. And the way the government passed the ropes over to Irish Water is adding to the ambiguity! 👿


    So today I heard that they had originally allocated 38,000 litres per year for a child but they have now reduced this to 21,000 litres.

    How are they coming up with these figures? Who are they interviewing and assessing about how much water we really need?

    This is going to be a nightmare….


    I can also see an increase in BO problems –
    I’ve worked in 2 situations with people with BO issues and believe me it’s not nice – one case helped themselves when it was pointed out but the other basically didn’t give a dam – and he’d wear the same clothes all week and come in on a Monday looking and smelling like he hadn’t washed all weekend.

    From my own point of view – I’m nervous of the additional costs – I reckon we’ll see some reduction in taxes etc in the budget – not much a little……….then the water charges will kick in and take any little bit extra we gain in the budget and the rest grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


    actually question in relation to all this – is there some way of measuring the water usage yourself?

    Sabbi just heard on the radio you are right children are 21000


    The Irish Water Application pack came through the door today & landed on the floor with a thud. Kinda feel I should put gloves on to pick it up…more flipping bills 🙁

    I have heard alot of people say they won’t pay it and they are 100% not filling in the forms.

    Are ye all sending yous back??


    Did anyone watch the show on TV3 tonight? Did you find it informative?

    I think its mad that a shower can use more water than a bath – that really shocked me.

    We are going to be sooo broke from this next year. 😈 😈

    And just to clarify – wedo not approve of water charges in any way shape or form (as was suggested by some mums on our FB tonight after the show!!??). We are appalled that the government is allowing water to be privatized and that we the public who has been hit in so many ways already, will be footing the bill. Irish Water have already gone overboard on expensive consultant fees and installing a private gym into the premises in Dublin. Its dispicable that we have yet another bill coming….


    So, staff at Irish Water are getting bonuses for a job well done. They are calling it ‘Performance related pay increases of upto 15%’ but I’m not sure how that’s any different to a bonus? Its extra money isn’t it?

    So we, normal people who have had not had a payrise in years and who are getting bill after bill piled on top of us, can’t pay the bills, while they are getting bonuses. Only in Ireland.

    And they are defending it, saying that staff are entitled to these increases for all their hard work. Its actually incredulous.

    I reckon there will be big turn outs this weekend for the protest marches.

    I would love a few minutes chat time with their spokesperson – who is so detached from reality its incredible.


    This shambles is getting worse and worse by the day. It is a disgrace and I am sick of Michael Noonan saying we have to pay for water (hello, what are we paying such high taxes for??)

    Now with the bonuses and Enda Kenny saying he cannot get involved, I am starting to think that one way or another, we may have to pay for this new bloody utility bill.

    This week some of our neighbours checked their meters and since they were installed in June, they have used between 100,000 – 125,000 litres of water (these are families with either 3 or 4 children). The allowance for a family is arond 121,000 litres PER YEAR and we calculated that at this rate, we will be looking at bills of around €700.

    Even though we have been trying to conserve and be cautious with our water we are still using quite a lot it seems. Well, we may not be actually using alot for the amount of people in our houses but according to the yearly allowance, we are.

    I don’t know what to do. If we don’t flush the toilet every time we go, we end up with blockages and we need to use buckets of water to unblock it.

    I am so worried about potential bills of €700 – there is no way we can afford that.

    What can we do???


    Has anyone registered yet with Irish Water? We haven’t sent any forms back or registered online….have you???


    i havent got a pack and never rang to look for one either

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