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    I hope you are doing ok Mary x


    How are you doing Mary??? Thinking of you. x


    Thanks for all your messages, ive read them all even if i haven’t replied.

    To be honest, today i just feel very sad.

    Thanks for thinking of me.


    For me the sadness started to really kick in a few days after the D&C so its natural that now that is over, you’ll start to feel sad as you try to come to terms with what has happened. Even though it was a missed miscarriage, it is still a huge loss to you and your family. This baby was a huge life changing event for you and now that the baby is gone, its very hard to adjust back to normal life, as it was before you were pregnant.

    Two miscarriages in a year is very difficult for anyone to handle but you’ve had a lot of other stresses too, so you are bound to be sad and maybe a bit stressed too so please be kind to yourself and take all offers of help for the next while.

    If you need to get some help to deal with things, there is a great support group at the Miscarriage association of Ireland. Everyone in there has been through at least one miscarriage and they are a lovely bunch of people who can really help. Their contact details are: http://www.miscarriage.ie/

    HTH. 🙁


    I am so sorry to hear about this!!! I was in the same situation a few months back, we lost our first pregnancy at 8 weeks and I bled for 5 weeks after! I was very drained too so I am sorry you have to go through that!


    How are you feeling now MaryE?


    thinking of you


    Thank you for your messages. I’m grand, i try to stay positive & busy as much as possible, about 95% of the time.

    Then there’s that 5% – a quiet moment when i start thinking or a slow love song comes on the radio and out of the blue ill be overcome by emotion, i have to fight back the tears (as i’m usually with the kids), it can physically hurt sometimes.

    I’ve a lot to be thankful for, i’ve been lucky, i have two children that at one stage i never thought i would have, so i am trying to focus on that.

    The baby that i lost in January was due this month, on the 23rd, so as that approaches, i’m feeling a little fragile. My next door neighbour is due a baby that day, which is hard.

    Anyway, that is life, i just have to toughen up & get on with it & as i said i have a lot to be thankful for.

    I just think miscarriage is cruel & i am very confused about it, i have been married for over 10 years, I couldn’t ever conceive naturally (even in my 20’s) & needed fertility treatment to have both my children, then when i decide that i am finished having children, that i wont try again as fertility treatment is too hard emotionally & financially plus dont want to push my luck, plus i am now over 35 (when fertility is suppose to decline), i suddenly, unplanned, unexpectedly become pregnant twice in one year!!! I got my hopes up, i got excited, i thought it was a miracle, i don’t understand why i had to loose both babies. Why is life so cruel!

    When my 5 year old son hears about bad things happening, he sometimes asks "Why would God let that happen? ", i want to ask that question now.

    I just don’t understand why, its so confusing, doesn’t make any sense.

    In the words of Ed Sheeran in the song Small Bump "Maybe you were needed up there but we are still unaware as why"!!


    I really want to stress to you that God does love you!!! We live in a fallen world where bad things do happen but he will never leave your side when they do go wrong!!

    Please read this poem and really think on it:

    Heres a good blog post on what you are feeling: http://www.biblegateway.com/blog/2012/0 … suffering/

    God loves you so much if you will let Him and love Him back!

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