spray tan for friday night out!

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    Girls im hopeless when it come sto tanning, but seeing as i bought a short dress suppose i better get tan done fro friday night’s mumstown party!!

    I saw a place in drogheda doing it for €15 beside bus station, has anyojne used this place?

    anyone know anyone that will come to the house to do it? I need to get it done around the child, and college on thursday evening!!

    Please Help, mum in distress!!!

    Siobhán @ Mams


    Try Martina at Riverview beauty in Mornington – she may even have a special offer on at the moment, just tell her you got recommended from Mumstown, I think she had an offer on for us mums.

    She’s good and only down the road from you!

    Looking forward to seeing you all glammed up Fri night and not covered in paint like in the Naionra!!!

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