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    That’s very must have been hard to watch.
    Thankfully Hailey was one of the lucky ones in the end..

    I never ever watch those programmes, never have done never will.

    It must be so hard for that couple to watch back at all what happened…I cant imagine being able to relive every moment of when Aiobh died in HD.
    I am thankful that the horror of the scary scan, the panicking, the emergency c section and the nightmare that unfolded is somewhat hazy to me and the thoughts of having to watch it unfold there again are shocking.

    I think the brain almost goes into fail safe mode to protect you from the horror.

    Kaiden is a lovely name and they sound very strong.


    Tomorrow nights episode Channel 4 9pm features a baby born with Hailey’s condition (Diaphragmatic Hernia). For me I think it will be interesting to watch as the TV listings says that the mum found out when pregnant so id say they will have a team ready to start immediate care for the baby instead of what happened to me.

    My experience was when Hailey was born her blood oxygen level wasn’t right so they said they would keep an eye on her & keep checking it every hour or so & when she vomited yellow stuff the nurse said "don’t ring your bell over that its normal" & she walked off. I said I think she’s breathing funny, its very fast & was told "that’s how babies breath" then she vomited green stuff & I rang my bell again & was told they would get someone from neonatal to look at it & then went off & left me in a bed covered in vomit for an hour. finally when someone from neonatal came down & saw the vomit I saw their face drop & they said we have to take her for tests.The nurse went to take her off me & the doctor said "let them saygoodbye to her" my heart dropped so far to the ground when I heard those words as it sounded like I wasn’t going to see my daughter alive again.

    After a really long hours wait (with no updates) we were told that Hailey was to stay in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital & once they got her stabilised she would be going to Temple Street.

    I then proceeded to beg them to let me leave the hospital as I wasn’t staying here without my baby, eventually they agreed & I went to join her there. All of this happened in the first 10 hours of Hailey’s life……

    Once we got to Temple Street, I felt in the presence of much more qualified staff as they explained everything & answered all our questions ……& there started Hailey’s 23 day stay in Temple Street & all that went with it. I still cant believe that she had such major surgery at 2 days old.

    Anyhow i’m going to tune in to see how this lady gets on with her baby & hopefully it will be a positive outcome just like Hailey’s turned out to be in the end


    Will be tuning into that. I cry at that show every week without fail. I seriously think it should be sponsored by Kleenex!!

    Hope its not too hard for you to watch haileysmam – but considering how great Hailey is doing hopefully you’ll be ok tuning in. x


    Even though the couple knew they were having a baby with diaphragmatic hernia & they had months of preparation & they were even shown around the intensive care unit while she was still pregnant to get them prepared for what was ahead. their baby boy had a team of 4 people working on him as soon as he was born things weren’t to be for them & their baby boy died at 6 days old. They had named him Kaiden which they said means fighter. They showed the parents 6 months on & they just seemed so strong.

    As the doctor said its a 50% survival rate.I feel so sad for this couple & I think they were so brave filming the show.It just really hits home to me how extremely lucky we are that Hailey is alive with us today,a little girl full of fun & to think she might not have made it really doesn’t bare thinking about.

    RIP Baby Kaiden x


    I reckon Hailey is going to get alot of extra hugs today and rightly so. xxx


    You are so right Sabbi…..I nearly woke her up last night after watching it to give her a cuddle.

    I found myself thinking of that couple a lot today & I hope they are doing as well as can be expected so soon after the death of their little son.

    Did you watch it in the end?.


    I know what you mean HMM, I took a lot of photos of Hailey in ICU & in pretty much all of them she is covered head to toe in wires & tubes.I think at the time it was my way of showing my family that I did have a baby as they weren’t allowed into the hospital to see her & at times when we thought she might not make it out alive & I was thinking these may be the only photos I will ever have of my little girl. i only ever showed the photos to my mum,dad,sister & my partners family.i wouldn’t show them to friends or anything as they are very sad photos.

    I did print a lot of them & I put them in a folder to show Hailey when she is older all she went through & I have taken them out a few times in the past year to go through & I usually end up crying looking at them so as you say I don’t know how that couple will have faired looking at the tv programme,i hope they got sent a copy of it a bit before it aired so they had time to look at it before their families & friends.

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