House broken into while we were sleeping

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    i’m sure we could muster up some receipts if needed… long as you guys are ok that’s the main thing….


    Alison my mum need receipts for insurance and she never keeps them, she went back to DID where she bought most of the stuff and they have all you details on file, most shops are very helpfull regarding this as they fish for the repurchase of the item…. IYKWIM


    hi girls,

    thanks for the help iykwim.
    Our biggest hitter is our dvd and cd collection , they took about 20 dvds and about 20 cds. of course they were all my fav dvds , like I am sam, green Mile, Santa Claus the movie and others 😥
    The insurance wont pay out on dvds or cds regardless if we had a recepit of not they came to €800+. The only big thing we had no receipt for was the Nintendo ds, I dont mind really ,we got the cheque today which I was shocked considering we only signed for everything on Thursday last.

    Going to go and get my nintendo wii tomorrow AGAIN 🙄 IT BETTER BE GOOD 😉 😉


    I have a reciept fo a Nintendo ds…. you could have a copy if you wish


    Oh you poor thing, thats awful. My house was broken into few years ago in the middle of the day. We went out and when we came back the door was open and my car was gone. it was awful but insurance covered everything.
    Walk around looking for anything that could be missing make a list of everything and even if you don’t have all receipts, you will be compensated for most of it.

    don’t let it ruin your anniversary – main thing is no one got hurt



    Happened to us when we where kids, My mum disturbed them as she went down stairs to get my sister her bottle, they ran out the back door and out over the laneway. I will never forget it. She could have been killed, my sister was only two weeks old and we had just moved out from the flats so we where not use to break ins at all it never happened in the flats as you would either have to jump for your life over the balcony or pray to god the lift worked!!!!! 😆

    The house two doors up from us was robbed a couple of months back. They just broke in to get the keys of the new 08 car. I think I would rather leave the keys in the flipping car at that rate it would be safer. I would have a heart attack if someone broke into the house and the kids asleep etc 😕 makes me very nervous! I would just scream at the top of my lungs out the bedroom window or something, or then again I think I would just freeze in the bed praying they didnt come up the stairs ok now im freaked out!! 🙄

    My dh works in wexford during the week so im on my own with the kids! mind you the baby is beside me in the cot and the other dd is in with me and that suits me, I sleep with the kitchen light on and the landing light on!!! Im such a nervo.

    I hope your ok Alison I wouldnt be the better of that for a long time hun.


    My sister live out in the sticks and her dh would have had to work away alot, she had a loaded shotgun beside the bed and said she would blast any fucker that even tried to enter her house…….


    Ya great idea only if my dd decided to pop in during the night she would probably blow my head off!! 😆

    I have a supersoaker 2500!!!! 😆 😆


    Hi All,

    I am just a nervous wreck since al this happened . I wont take a shower without locking my bedroom door and I even lock poor dd into the bedroom with me when I am inthe ensuite during teh day.

    When dh is on evnings I know wait up till he gets home before this I would have had no prob goin to bed before he got home.

    It just shatters your world BUT thank god no one was hurt especially dd.



    you poor thing alison …. they are after invasion your privacy so you cant feel safe anymore ( if it was me i wouldnt even let dh work lates ) maybe if you went and tlked to someone about how you are feeling it might help you …


    I wish dh did not have to work evening but since its a new job w have no choice , I am just lucky he was not in his previous job he was away most week nights so I was home alone with herself

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