Help! My child is being picked on!

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    Why cant it be like when we were kids we all played together, yeah we had fights but we would be best friends the very nextday…. We had to play together as we played games etc… we didnt have many toys so we had to play as a group for some fun.


    Yeh HappyMammy – i hear ya! Yeh i do tend to do other things with her to keep her occupied, just to avoid such scenarios! But then part of me says "why the hell should i have to do that! F*ck them!" God forgive my language but sometimes i really feel like throttling certain folk!


    I know Taylor your dead right. I dont know what the problem is! Althought when i bring her down to my sisters, she plays on the road down there no bother, with ALL the other kids, all ages, boys & girls and there is never a problem. My road is just full of freaks!!!!!!! 😯


    my ds had a problem at school , i went to teacher a few times this wasnt much good, so i blew my top 😆 😆 all sorted now parents where of the attitude my child wouldnt do that !!! now my son is a different chap


    Good for you noeleen i dont stand for that MY SON MY DAUGHTER wouldnt do that, when my daughter acts up then she gets told off and thats that. If i thought she was being cruel to other kids i would go mad and put her in her place pronto.


    all you are right but…
    maybe a child should also know that they don’t have to like everybody and they don’t have to be liked by everybody. and that is all right too
    i wasn’t the most popular girl in the school (huge glasses 😀 a bit of weight issue etc) but that didn’t stop me having my own friends.
    and as for the bullies – get the lider, humiliate him in front of the others,(and that doesn’t have to be a punch up) he’ll get the hint 😆
    that reminds me the scene from "the stepmother" with julia roberts, when she adviced the girl to say to one of the bullies in front of everyone else , that he doesn’t even know what the snowball is 🙂
    i am sure you think of something to help your litlle one 🙂


    happymammy parents of the other child thought it was my hormones 😆 😆


    Well then Noeleen you where well within your pregnanty rights to give her a dig!!! 😆 😆 😆

    I agree a child should have their own identity but when another child is trying to put them down for it then you have to step in now and build the childs confidence up and encourage them to stand on their own two feet.

    I teach self confidence and self esteem in my classes to children from age of 2yrs upwards. You can ruin a childs ambition in 2seconds. Its sad really that these kids who are bullys really deserve to be pity’d and need urgent help themselves by their own parents because they will suffer most when they try to manipulate others when they are older and come up against the wrong person which always happens.

    I was the one in my class who had the braces and the glasses also but now i have perfect eyesight and beautiful straight teeth so to hell with the bullies they are probably still to this day wasting their time on other people and tryn to make them feel as bad as they do inside. But if you have built up inner strength from a young age then you can overcome a bully and most things life throws at you.


    happymammy – bless your words 😆 😆 😆 😆


    AMEN! 😆 😆 😆
    I just really hate bullys they annoy me can you tell!! 😆 😆 😆


    Your all great for your support, i do appreciate it! We’ll see how things pan out! Fingers crossed, this can be sorted out before i blow my top! 😯

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